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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Scott10it

  1. So I have never really attempted to quit taking addy, but instead I would just not take it for a couple of days so my tolerance for it would be lowered. I have an EXTREMELY large dosage; 3x30mg pills a day! I know it is a lot but I'm 6'0 190 lbs so I just figured I needed more because of it. WRONG! Anyways I am currently a junior in college and attend KU and a junior college nearby. I have been taking adderall on and off now for nearly 5 years now and never thought I would want to quit taking this "Super Pill," but as of the past couple of days I have realized how dependent I am on this pill...it's pretty sad to say the least. Now as much as I want to quit it has done wonders to my grades. As a pre-pharmacy student, you get use to the idea that you need to study all the time so I thought this was the only way I could get into pharmacy school. Now, I'm done with my pre-courses and made A's in almost all of my courses, but at what expense? I'm obviously not the same person I was before I took the pill. Today I took 60mg because I have an accounting exam in two days and a project for another class, and now I'm writing on this forum because I know I won't sleep. To prevent myself from losing it and going crazy I have relied on smoking to help me feel normal again. And now I smoke a lot because of addy. When I'm on addy: -Slip in and out of depression -Extremely introverted -Anxious and nervous to no extent -Hands shake (In my chemistry/microbiology lab this was very embarrassing) -Sweat A LOT -Tweaky feeling like I'm going to go crazy -Extremely self-conscious -Don't eat/drink -Never sleep I need to quit taking this sh*t and get my life back in order. I am going to quit taking it starting Friday 3/11 (also the start of my spring break). I figure this is the best time to quit because I won't have anything to do so I won't need to take it. Wish me luck!
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