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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by improving

  1. I hit 6 months like two weeks ago. There is no question that quitting was the best decision I have ever made. The inconsistency of good days and bad days is still brutal though. The hardest part is hating the career I spent 8 years creating and not knowing what to do from here. It feels like a battle getting through the workweek and doing just enough to get by. Thank you for all of your posts. This community is awesome. I have been following along for awhile, but thought it was finally worth joining. Prescribed when I was in high school, but it really got bad after college when I started working. I turned 30 last year and realized I lost my entire 20s to a stupid pill. Decided enough was enough. I did not see a scenario where things got better while still taking adderall, but felt like things could get a lot worse. If I was going to be miserable, at least I wanted hope for the future. I threw my prescription away that day. Better days ahead for sure. Glad to be on this journey with such incredible people.
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