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  1. There only seems to be a loose correlation between all of these and the severity of withdrawals. That is to say, it's highly individual. There is also the subjectivity factor of recovery and associated symptoms, someone can handle everything recovery throws at them and someone else will be debilitated by minor symptoms.
  2. I doubt you're here anymore, but I'm experiencing the exact same thing right now. The discomfort. It's very weird. On the intellectual level there is no problem, but on the bodily level I have this apprehension, angst and fear about everything.
  3. Hey, I'm on my third month of sobriety from amphetamine. For the past month the anxiety has really set in hard. I can't do any physical activity without having massive panic, fast heart beat, weakness and dizziness due to the adrenaline surge. Even walking outside or going to the store is very uncomfortable. This problem came on gradually, for the first two months I didn't have much problems with exercising. Did anyone else experience anything similar?
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