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Posts posted by RScapricorn6

  1. I thought the highest dose allowed was 60 mg a day.

    I wouldn't dump the pills down the toilet. He'll panic! maybe try an intervention and a rehab. but that might interfer with work. I am sorry but he might lose his job when he is getting off adderall. The first month of withdrawl is horrible. and its hard to concentrate and work during that time. He might want to approach his boss and ask for extended sick leave. to kick the habit.

    Working till 4 am and then going to work at 8 rings alot of bells with me. I used to stay up all night partying and then go to college early in the morning with little or no sleep at all. ITS unsustainable. ITS unhealthy. and it will catch up with him eventually. because of the pep pills he probably doesn;t even feel the tiredness his body is screaming to tell him. I know the feeling......exhaustion...until i pop one of those pills and have a coffee...then sleep! who needs it! .....he does though...

    I was hospitalized in order for me to get off adderall. That might be an option. But i would seriously get clearance for work, try to convince him to stop, and then take the time to recover.

  2. I am at month 4, off of adderall. I feel good and somewhat back to normal. I was on it for 23 years. I had to accept a new normal. But first I had to get to know what my Normal was. After four months, I am starting to realize the new me, i have to become used to and accept as my new normal. Get to know your new normal. You might get back to being the same guy that you were when you were on adderall, but i doubt it. chances are your going to have to accept the new you for better or worse. B)

  3. Congratz on getting off of it. I've been off for thirteen months. This really will be a process of getting to know yourself, and you will find that you are a completely different and better person off it. In time, trust me, you'll be asking yourself 'what was I ever thinking?'...

    If you've experienced amphetamine pyschosis several times and gone into rehab for a month, then you know very well that at a certain point the drug really begins to wreck your focus, your judgement, and disrupts your life... with your biggest priority always being preoccupied with sustaining your pill supply...

    When hitting psychosis, it makes us paranoid and do all kinds of crazy stuff. When we toy with our dosages in higher and higher amounts, we start experiencing episodes of mania where we feel happy but have an absurd amount of impulsive energy and scattered enthusiasm that's hard to channel productively.

    And yet, we keep going back for more to keep away the withdrawal, the onset of fatigue. the powerful cravings...

    At first, I had no idea who I was off of adderall, and that was a weird feeling. Actual, being on the drug after twelve years then suddenly stopping felt weird... then not knowing who I was made everything even weirder.

    Getting to know your new self is a really eye opening and exciting period. It took a while for me to begin seeing the differences. But every day I discover new things about the way I am now and then I write it all down. I keep a list that grows every day. I read it every day, several times a day, and I think - wow, this is who I am now. I'm so different than before. And much better.

    For one thing, my days are no longer disrupted with intense cravings for my adderall...and my days are no longer constantly interrupted from the misery of the adderall wearing off...Because of that, I would say my focus has already improved 100 percent. And that's just the beginning...

    Keep up the good work. You're rewiring your brain for the better now, and it just takes time and soon enough you'll be stronger then you ever were when you relied on pills to make it through the day.

    Do you have any suggestions on anti-depressants? Adderall made me feel great, but without it I feel depressed, and stressed.

  4. I am in a transitional period in my life right, now and i am trying to find a job that I will like and feel good about myself. I am thinking about becomming a store manager at wegmens, but i am nervous that i won't have the mania, and energy to do it well or at all without adderall. I can't go back to adderall though. I want to sooo bad sometimes but i know i just can't do it. 3 months without it, almost 4, and i am taking phentermine for weight loss and keeping my weight down. I stopped taking phentermine yesterday, but this morning i was feeling tired, and hungry so I took half a pill instead of a whole one...I think i am on a slippery slope here. Advice, support, your story would be very helpful :D

  5. I used adderall for 23 years. Some things you should know. Its a controlled substance, and is schedule two drug, meaning that of all the medically used drugs, it has the highest potential for addiction and abuse. Its in the same class as cocaine! Also Adderall is used for treatment resistant depression, so in my opinion it is more powerful than most antidepressants. So when you quit, you might feel depressed and lethargic. But that gets better.

    I took them through college. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have, but to be honest, if i could do it over again, i might seriously consider it for that sake of my future. But eventually I have to stop, just like you, and withdrawl and addiction will be that more harder after another 4 years on the drug.

    my email is rscapricorn6@gmail.com if you want to email me, back and forth while you are going through this. I'd be happy to offer you my support.

  6. HI all --

    I'm 5 months off of Adderall, thank goodness, but I'm facing a dilemma I'm wondering if anyone has experience with. I still have a prescription for Wellbutrin, and I know some people have used it when phasing off of Adderall. My worry is that it's too similar to Adderall -- being something of a stimulant, too -- and that it'll set me right back to square one if I go on it. I've been struggling with a bout of depression lately which I think might be largely physical, exhaustion from being overstimulated for so long, and I don't want to let it go on and on if I don't have to, but I'm scared to have to reset the withdrawal clock.

    Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


    Hey, i've been off adderall for 3 months..I want to get on Wellbutrin so bad because it is similar to adderall in its effect on dopamine. But my doctor is refusing to put me on it at this time. I feel like a fish out of water without adderall, i was on it for 15 years daily. I think i am just searching for anything to hang on to, while I learn to "swim" drug free.

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  7. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6 years old. I was the typical hyper kid, that ate way to much sugar, and was disruptive in class, hated boring school work, and couldn't sit still for very long. I was a typical kid, but the teachers were tired of putting up with me, and met with my parents and told them that they should consider ritalin. I went to a school psychiatrist and he put me on ritalin. I didn't really like it. But after a few years of ritalin, I was put on adderall, and have been for about 15 years. It was, in hindsight a mistake. I grew to love the dopamine rush, after taking the pill. Instantly, no matter what i was doing, i was happy, content, focused and organized. I graduated college top of my class, but I have stopped using adderall since then, and have found out that i am not really interested in what my degree was in. Adderall made me interested. Adderall, for me, could make anything interesting and pleasent. It is extremely addictive, and I abused it more than once which caused amphetamine psychosises for which I had to be hospitalized. I tried to stop numerous times, but I kept going back to adderall. It was such a big part of my life. After a months worth of inpatient rehab, I finally stopped using adderall, and have been off it for the past three months. Withdrawing the first month was horrendous, i had no energy to do anything, and was miserable. But it got better. Now, life is new to me. No matter where i was, or what i was doing, adderall made me feel upbeat, happy, focused everyday for 15 years, soon after taking the pill. Now I got to get used to the ups and downs of life. But now, i know what i am truely interested in, and what truely makes me happy and vise versa. For the longest time, adderall dictated that for 8 hours a day, no matter what, I was happy and interested. I feel finally like my true self, and I am getting to know myself and my new life without adderall. For all those who are using adderall, I must say that its not sustainable, eventually you will have to stop using the drug. Long term use of amphetamines is not recommended. I had to change psychiatrists before and if that doctor wouldn't prescribe me adderall, I would search the phone book, call everyone until i got my pills, or call friends and buy theirs. Adderall was so hard for me to let go, but finally i am willing and able to start my life over without adderall, i am excited, but alittle nervous, insecure and unconfident. I could go back to chasing adderall. But for me, I'd much rather embrace my true self and learn how to live without it. Thanks for listening. :D

  8. Can someone please help.. I have been an adderall user forever.. prescribed it. I had to cut cold turkey due to health insurance reasons. It has been about 3 months and I have gained an easy 40lbs!!

    I am really considering buying a months worth tomorrow from someone I know.. to just ween myself off eventually.. I was at a healthy weight before. I am 5'4 and was 130..since being off adderall I have gained almost 40lbs .. I am freaking out.

    I have no motivation, I am almost lethargic without it. I dont even want to go outside or leave the house.

    This is so horrible :( I don't want to depend on this drug.. But I am not happy, I am over weight now.. and very upset.

    Hey there. I was on adderall for 23 years. When I got off of it I gained alot of weight as well. Its got great appetite suppressing qualities and boosts the metabolism. I suggest not getting back on it, but rather adopting an exercise program before you put on any more weight. Also I went to the doctor and got on phentermine which suppresses my appetite like adderall did.

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