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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

Mike 1965

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Everything posted by Mike 1965

  1. My son has been on adderal for 10 years. The negatives surely outweigh the positives as nobody can win with adderal. Today he has to quit his job because even at 100mg per day he is a mess with double the anxiety always needing one extra pill to finish the work he brought home. He has lost weight, doesn’t have any friends anymore and sits in his room always waiting for the next pill. Life has to be easier than this. I only agreed to allow him to continue adderal as a temporary solution to stating his new job but today he is worse than when he just started the job. Get your kids off adderal!!! We all have a bit of ADD or ADHD but when I grew up adderal wasn’t available thank god and you take the jobs that allow you to work with ADD and not always looking for another pill.
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