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Everything posted by Momoffadderall

  1. thanks for responding!! I've stayed off of the pills since I posted that and I feel so much better. I'm just happier overall. I have taken extended breaks off of alcohol as well which has helped tremendously with my energy levels- I think I'm finally getting restorative sleep. Hang in there- it gets better!
  2. 1. You are doing amazing! 3+ months off everything is huge and you should feel really good about that. I think you will still get the benefits of 3+ months off of adderall with your slip up. Don’t start at 0. 2. You learned how you didn’t like how it made you feel so that is worth something. Exercise, meditation, and yoga are helping me tremendously- have you tried any of those things? Take some time to figure out what triggered you to take it. 3. is it in your house? Get rid of it. Tell a friend to listen to you while you call your doc and tell them you do not want another prescription and please don’t give it to you in future. im only 3 weeks off of it but feeling better and better every day.
  3. Another week down! I had to take a nap in the middle of the day twice this week but I did it. I’ve decided my health is more important than my clean inbox. I also decided to lay off the booze completely for a while so I can get my energy back. Also, exercise is the best. I can’t believe I didn’t exercise for an entire year. accomplishing what I set out to do without adderall is so much more satisfying. stay strong people!
  4. 4.5 years! That is amazing. Someone once told me to stop shoulding all over myself. Im not where are should be, im not where I thought I’d be. I’d say you are crushing it by overcoming this addiction despite the odds and you are enough just as you are. Who knows what your past is preparing yourself for in the future.
  5. Update- lost my car keys and used my spare low in battery. Locked the spare in my car. Sweet husband was very understanding and picked me up. Found lost keys. Retrieved car. I need to put systems in place to manage my forgetfulness without medication! This does not mean I need it, I’m just learning how to function without.
  6. It’s the middle of day 7 and I thought I’d document my experience… I’ve been taking 10mg xr for about a year which isn’t a lot compared to some stories I have read but It has impacted me nonetheless. -utter exhaustion days 1-4. Day 5-6 noticeably better. -not drinking alcohol helps a ton! I had some wine last night and I feel bad today. -when my husband calls me, I listen and ask him questions about his day naturally where I used to get annoyed bc he was interrupting my current task and just get off the phone as quickly as possible - I can better manage my cravings for a drink after work and I have a greater desire to do light exercise like walking - I have 159 emails in my inbox. Way less productive at work. I have to remind myself to finish tasks when I get distracted. im tired but proud of myself! Hopefully I continue to improve next week.
  7. @ericThank you so much for replying! Hearing you describe the change in your wife brought tears to my eyes. She’s lucky to have your support. I ordered thesis supplements - any experience with nootropics?
  8. Hello! I was prescribed 10xr amphetamine salts about a year ago. I reached out to a doc because I felt like I was not excelling at my very competitive job in sales and my responsibilities as a wife and mom of two young kids (who is?) I’m a naturally a forgetful and unorganized person, but I’ve always been a go getter and I excelled in school without being medicated (except for the occasional borrow from a friend cram sessions). I felt like a super human on adderall when I tried it in the past. Over a 10 minute zoom call I had my diagnosis as ADD (no hyperactivity) and a prescription. I promised myself I wouldn’t take more than 10mg and I’d be very careful - this would be my answer to “getting it together” and being successful at all things. it was great for a while- I quickly lost 8 pounds despite zero exercise and I started crushing it at work. My little magic pill took away the hangover I should have gotten from the 3-4 glasses of wine I was drinking at night to come down. It worried me when my Apple Watch would alert me of an alarming heart rate but It didn’t happen too often so no big deal. Well, tale as old as time, it started to lose its effect recently. Over the long weekend in the mountains, I decided to take a break so I could reduce my tolerance. Day 1 I was exhausted! I could not keep up with my kids energy and just wanted to sleep instead of play with them on our vacation. It breaks my heart to write that. I’m tired of being tired if I don’t pop a pill. I started googling and found some inspiration about quitting. (Especially loved reading about @veeshoney on instagram) I’m finishing up day 5. Im still very tired and just going through motions at work. Im about to start a new job in a few months and I’m not going to lie, I heard the voice in my head tell me that I should start back up again. No way will I be successful in my new job without it. posting here for support to keep going. Any other mammas out there?
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