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Everything posted by rosarita98168

  1. Is it true if you relapse even once, you're back to square one in recovering from amphetamine damage?
  2. I am on here and I am 68!  I am now 26 days OFF of stims.!   It IS worth quitting if you have ANY brain function at all, I only WISH I would have done it years ago.  I have taken stimulants for almost 30 years, and fear that my brain is PERMANENTLY damaged.  I have tried to quit before, but failed.

    1. quit-once


      Obviously, you still have some brain function or you wouldn't be quitting.  Congratulations on your decision to quit and I wish you success in your journey.  Quitting is a process, and the moment you took your last pill (cessation) is the biggest step you take in the quitting process.  Now, you have several months of unpleasant recovery ahead of you and a few years until you feel fully recovered.  I hope you can use all the resources this site has to offer to your advantage.  Good luck with your Quit.

    2. harrisonvob


      Happy to read this! Great understanding and the caliber of details provided is awesome!
      Thanks all!
    3. rosarita98168


      I APPRECIATE the encouragement!!   I  managed to go 4 months without ANY, but since I still have the remainder of my last prescription in my house, I've slipped up twice in the last 2 weeks. It seems I CAN'T get ANYTHING done without it!  One of my GREAT FEARS is that I'm now too old for my brain to ever recover from this!

  3. I have EXTREME "Dry Eye", according to the optometrist, the WORST case he's seen in his ENTIRE career! I ALSO experienced "double vision" on 3 occasions, twice while going 70+ mph on the freeway (VERY unnerving), and once while home watcing TV! THEN, they're the NUMEROUS times I COULDN'T ACCURATELY SEE what was in front of me! (I took the "shyte" for almost 30 YEARS, and worked up to fairly high doses!)
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