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Posts posted by Zerokewl

  1. Impressive grumps.  Keep stacking days , months... You stop craving it eventually somehow  yyour brain just forgets.  Stay focused on your health and stay busy.  Focus on incremental change.  You have the mindset now continue to develop the habit. 


    've heard Narcotics Anonymous people say that a key step of their process is identifying the reason you first sought out the drug in the first place.  If this is not done it will be the central reason for relapse.  Well clearly my laziness is mine.  It's the main challenge that lies ahead for me now.



    I never really thought about it but being lazy is a trigger for me 

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  2. Welcome to the board. We have all been here and totally understand. Your posts sounds like you are experiencing some high anxiety, eat a sandwich, drinks some tea, have some water. Breath. Have a snickers bar...your not your self haha.  


    Once the panic has passed, take some time and read some of the articles on this site and make a list of reasons to quit adderall.  We are here to be supported and support.  Getting off adderall is easy if you know how. But right now just focus on coming down.   

    • Like 2
  3. ZK you know I remember seeing that image when I was an active adderallic, and thinking it was evidence of how much smarter adderall was making me.


    Now I look at it and the red brain looks terrifying!  Like WAY too much is going on in there at once!


    I used to look at that image and think mmmmm, red.  Now I look at the green parts of the yellow-green brain and think, mmmmm, green.  Lol.  


    Now I know that intelligence and learning REQUIRE rest.  For the brain, some parts rest while others are active.  The brain just can't function on overdrive like that.   It just can't! 


    Look at all that red ! I wonder how much of it was just figuring out where the next script was coming etc.  No wonder I slept through 2013. My brain was red lined through 2012. All that red probably explains a lot of impulsiveness and general madness I was experiencing.    

    • Like 3
  4. I remember the twitches. Eye and calves it went away all on its own but I can't recall when.  All I can recommend for sleep and water and maybe some Melatonin (over the counter natural sleep aid). Early recovery is a bit of a trip due to re-calibration of brain chemistry. Some form exercise may help. How long have you been clean ?  

  5. Shows I really enjoyed on (Canadian) Netflix:

    House of Cards


    Hemlock Grove

    The Fall



    The 100*

    Arrested Development

    The Office*

    Downtown Abbey

    Once upon a time


    Marco Polo*


    Rescue Me

    Trailer Park Boys

    Breaking Bad*


    * - my personal favorites


    Some of these aren't available in the US (though the US selection is far superior if you ask me).

    Checkout this addon if you want to access other regions (I'm amazed at what Mexico has!)



    Not on netflix, but if you are comfortable obtaining tv shows by "other means" these are AMAZING shows:

    Game of Thrones (obviously!)

    The Wire (my favorite show of all time)

    Shameless (this is a guilty pleasure of mine)


    I probably watched all of these during recovery, since I went through the binge/crash/recover cycle every month or so for the last 2 years.  I was a pro at recoverying hahaha (it's not really funny but what else can I do now but laugh?).


    Happy resting!


    This is a good Netflix list pretty similar to my playlist in early recovery.  I would add the West Wing and Ken Burns the History of Jazz is my all time favorite for sleeping/ watching Netflix. 

    • Like 1
  6. Shows I really enjoyed on (Canadian) Netflix:

    House of Cards


    Hemlock Grove

    The Fall



    The 100*

    Arrested Development

    The Office*

    Downtown Abbey

    Once upon a time


    Marco Polo*


    Rescue Me

    Trailer Park Boys

    Breaking Bad*


    * - my personal favorites


    Some of these aren't available in the US (though the US selection is far superior if you ask me).

    Checkout this addon if you want to access other regions (I'm amazed at what Mexico has!)


    wow this was pretty close to my recovery list. I would add The West Wing, Prison-break (season 1 -2) , Orange is the new Black, Daredevil and this doesn't cover the stuff I downloaded. 

    • Like 1
  7.        Welcome to the site. You've found a group of people who know exactly what it like to get off adderall .  Our slogan is Surviving the painful but extremely rewarding transition back to your true self .  Adderall seriously fucks with your brain chemistry while you are re-calibrating you may experience a variety of emotions amplified and sometimes muted.  Everyone experiences things a little differently.  The process can be non linear.


         It takes time and some days are harder than others but eventually the brain forgets and you start sprouting new mind-grapes this process can be painful at times. That is why this site exists as a place to bitch & moan and share experiences.  

    Day by day and post by post we get better and better.


    At almost two years I am really beginning to thrive in a new normal.  But I have changed! I don't care about formatting in excel any more and I'm no longer a chain smoking workaholic psycho.  For me I simply couldn't continue using adderall the cycle of binges and the amount of pills I need to just function.  I am certain quitting saved my life. 


    Your recovery is completely DIY we are here to help, advise, support and be supported.  These communities are amazing places that fill me with  hope for humanity daily. But this is a decision you have to make for you.  Read & research as much as you can try staying off the pills for a few days etc.  Make an informed decision.  

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