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Everything posted by Sunny1023

  1. =( I'm familiar. And sorry to hear. "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise." ~ Victor Hugo, Les Misérables "Bravery resides in every heart and I expect it will be called upon." ~ Jean Biden
  2. I'm a single mom as well...like its not crazy enough, right? I imagine a move would be super hard...adjusting yourself, and helping your kids feel settled. Plus, the physical stress. You're in my prayers!
  3. Good to know...I'm going to try 2-3 weeks at a time. I almost feel normal after a week, but long term, I don't know how well I will function. Kind of thinking I will be like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight - my brain will be the pumpkin.
  4. You are so sweet and I appreciate the support! It will be about 12 years before I have no responsibility...lol I've been cutting back for 5 weeks - maybe too quickly. I haven't stepped up at all, but I'm planning on maintaining a little longer. Today has been much better already and I am grateful.
  5. I was prescribed Adderall 5 years ago after a brain injury and only took it as directed. I have reduced my mgs - now I am miserable and barely functioning. I have young kids whose dad isn't around and don't have much family to help me either. I've been using supplements & energy drinks but it's like a band aid on a gunshot wound. At times, I am hopeful about life without it but right now I'm a mess. I wish I had the option of sleeping all weekend to step down a little faster. I never took more than one a day, so is this addiction or dependence? Call me naive but I had no idea this could happen...I've never had a drug/alcohol problem.
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