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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by svandal

  1. Hey guys! First of all, I want to thank you all for being here. I came across this website a couple years ago, and I remember being shocked when I found it. I thought for years that I was alone in my addiction. I remember watching a video of someone pouring out their prescription, and crying my eyes out. I knew at the time I longed to be free of adderall, but doubted I had the strength. Probably dozens of prescriptions later, however, I managed to flush one. I am so glad I did. Adderall/Vyvanse/stimulants stole my happiness for 8 years. My addiction nearly destroyed my life. I now have a little over 5 months clean. Life is not perfect, but it is pretty sweet. I have a job. I have friends. I read books. I go on walks and enjoy sitting in the park. Day by day, my joy and motivation are beginning to return. Slowly. I am learning and re-learning who I am. To everyone sharing this journey with me, it is great to make your acquaintance. I know we can do this and believe it can, and does, get better.
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