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Freebird last won the day on April 17 2014

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  1. WAY TO GO Z!!!!! I am like Amy I was also smiling while reading your post!! It was EXTREMELY inspiring!!!! And actually gave me a HUGE boost of encouragement and hope!!!!! Thank you for all of your contributions you make on this forum. YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!!
  2. GDTRFB (Jen RX) Haha jk I might end up calling you Jen RX now that you mentioned it because with my brain fog- that's the easiest for me to remember. Sorry you are sick....hope you feel better soon.
  3. Jen RX - I LOVED YOUR POST!!!!! It was very inspiring!!! I could related had had such strong connections to many of the things you mentioned!!! Again I SO LOVED YOUR POST!!! It really is making me smile at this moment! And giving me hope... Because I still deal with periods of time feeling like I am HOPELESS & HELPLESS when it comes to adderall! Thanks for giving me strength to help fight this addiction!!!! ((((Hugs))))
  4. Z- would love to know how "boot camp" went for you.
  5. Justin you without a doubt deserve a "down day" to do whatever you want to do. And if lounging in bed is what you spend most of your day doing because that's what you wanted/NEEDED to do. It would not be selfish at all. It fact it would be GREAT!!! Maybe it's your mind telling you something. Burnout would not be good for you considering all the things you have going on. I hope you are able to find a "down day" really soon... heck even a few hours for "justin time" would be wonderful! You deserve it!!!! One of my favorite quotes is this one by john Lennon. "Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted." - John Lennon
  6. Hey guys this month would have been a year since I quit using adderall. But with one minor set back last month and then earlier this month.... I hate to admit it but I used more than a few. I have now been off of adderall for 5 days. Physically and mentally I am feeling surprisingly well. Of course once I crashed for a couple of days to catch up with the sleep I had lost. I am feeling very optimistic right now. I think I am in a better place mentally than I have been in a very long time. I had a long and honest talk with my 19 year old son last night. He has been away at college for the most part since I quit adderall and hasn't seen how it has effected my day to day activities. Until recently when he came home for the summer. He said he can see a dramatic difference in my personality and has actually been hearing me laugh out loud. Which he said he hasn't heard me laugh in quite some time. He encouraged me to let someone come in and clean our house and he said that he would talk to my other son, who is 18 years old and they would made an conscious effort to help with stuff around the house. He also said while he is home this summer he wants to me to go outside and get active doing something instead of sitting around inside all day feeling sorry for myself. Soooo I guess I will start the 30 day challenge. And with the help and encouragement from all of you and my family. I really think I can do this!!!
  7. WOW that's AWESOME AMY!!! I know you are proud of yourself! Must feel very empowering! HIP HIP HOORAY for you!!!
  8. Hey mike- welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have a bundle of joy to help motivated you on this new journey. I have found this site tremulously helpful. I am sure you will find it benificial as well.
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