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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by teamwin24

  1. ugh... well i lasted 10 days and took some today (36mg concerta)... obviously feel "normal again"...the past 10 days were pretty rough and couldnt make it (horribly non productive and I was pretty awful to the wife too)... maybe next time I can get through more than 10 days.
  2. Only thing I have to say is you are not alone... I am in the process of quitting concerta /ritalin and am in day 8 now... Have very little motivation to do anything and am exhausted. My eating patterns have been bizarre as well... Hang in there.
  3. Thanks for the helpful advice.... its real tough struggle as I sure you guys know especially after being on it for 3 years (im sure others have been on longer). Either way appreciate the support. Its weird because mentally I wish I could still be on it (because it hasnt caused any conflicts in my life etc... hasnt been a destructive force like illegal drugs used to be in my late teens / early 20's -- I have been clean from those for 5 years +) but physically I really do not want hypertension as heart disease runs in my family. I am going to give it another 2 weeks or so and see how I feel. Hopefully I can stick it out. This place rocks im looking forward to spending more time on it.
  4. I know that this forum is about adderall... but does anyone have any experience with this? I personally never liked adderall/dexedrine/vyvanse and always had side effects that were so awful that it deterred me from their use. Methylphenidate is a totally different story. For me (and I know from the internet and from personal experience that more people prefer adderall) I am my perfect self on it. This alone makes it very hard for me to part with it. I have been on it for ~3 years. I rarely abuse it (I have a select few times but they are months on end between), and usually take my rxed dose... which currently is 3 x 10mg tablets / day (has been as high as a 54mg concerta and a 20mg ritalin booster however).... Recently I have been getting hypertension and chest pains so decided to stop taking it. It has been around a week and I miss it. A lot.... I dont know if I am going to be able to make it, but I wanna try as much as I can because I know deep down that this is not good for my body. Have been substituting with caffeine and my bp has gone down a little bit (130/80 versus 140/86). I dont know if I even have adhd. I am in my late 20's currently. I got started on ritalin when a friend of mine gave me an entire bottle of 20mgs she didnt want. Next thing I know I found a website that would ship me 10mg tablets... I purchased 60-100 of them at a time from that website till I realized how expensive it was getting... So I went and got a adhd diagnosis (half assed the test with the intention of getting a rx).... now it is 3 years later or so. I have been so unproductive and unmotivated the last week. Have been making poor financial decisions as well (day trading etc). I am over the worst of the withdrawl at this point and get no physical effects anymore... I just dont know if I want to continue stopping the med or not... If not now tho then when? Am I supposed to be on this med for the rest of my life??? I have not talked to my doctor about this... he would want me to stay on the med. Sorry if this is long winded. Just found this community and ewanted to get this off my chest. Seems real nice/supportive here.
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