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Buddha girl

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  1. Thank you...I like that approach. Try to find a way to use it as a gift. I do meditate as well. When I'm walking, I try to remember to pay attention to my feet touching the earth. When I do any act I try to remember to do it mindfully. It definitely slows me down. The challenge is remembering to do it. Usually I remember when a store clerk behind the counter or or some other random person has given me the confused "stare".
  2. Thank you and you are right. A lot of it is my own self consciousness and bruised ego. I spent years making a fool out of myself while on the drugs... I was SUPER hyper and jittery then. I have calmed down considerably.... I think? Lol Being upfront about my fast talk and high energy is an approach I will definitely try. Thanks for your help
  3. Sometimes I feel like I need another pill to slow me down. For obvious reasons that can't be the solution.
  4. No I don't believe anyone is trying to be cruel. I'm recently back into the dating world after 15 years or marriage. It has definitely caused some embarrassment on first dates. Guys will ask me if I've had to much coffee.. Or offer me drink to calm my nerves. And I'm not even nervous! At work people will say "SLOW DOWN" Lol The thing is I don't just talk fast, I eat fast, I move fast.. People say I'm acting "hyper" when I feel like I'm being perfectly calm.
  5. Thanks for the reply! When I've visited the south and talk the way I do people look at me like I'm from Mars. I'm honestly not sure if my thoughts raced before Adderall? I don't ever remember anyone making fun of it or commenting on my behavior. But, it's at least a daily thing now. I know some people still think I'm using.
  6. I've been in recovery from Adderall/Concerta abuse for over 4 years now after a couple years of addiction. Even though I'm in recovery my brain continues to do everything fast... Talk, eat, walk etc. It's to the point people still think and accuse me of being on something. I don't even realize it, but frequently get told to "slow down" or I get made fun of for my "hyper" behaviors. Pre addiction I don't ever recall it being a issue. Is it possible for my brain to be "stuck" in that addiction mode? Any feedback would be appreciated. I've been to meetings NA etc.... And I'm the only one I've ever seen with this problem. Thanks
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