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BigBeezy last won the day on May 18 2014

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  1. I did the 30,60,90 day challenge a year ago and wanted to check back in with this forum. Since I stopped taking adderall a year ago... 1. Promoted at work 2. Money in the bank 3. Social life is back 4. Can get my chores done without addy 5. Sleep 8 wonderful hours a night. 6. Got in shape physically. Life after quitting adderall is exactly how life BEFORE adderall was. It's amazing how fast you spring back. I look back and can't believe some of the things that adderall did to me AT THAT TIME. Nothing is permanent. Just push thru the 30,60,90 and before you know it, you will be back to your pre adderall self!! Cheers folks
  2. 30 days complete. Off to the 60 day challenge. It's bittersweet tho because I'm going to miss a bunch of you folks! Good luck everybody post adderall is not scary and it's like being reborn. Keep at it people!!
  3. MadHatter. For me the first week and a half were the worst. It only gets better:) keep it up!
  4. Day 18 done. Congrats on your first week MadHatter !!!
  5. Day 26 and 27 done. I am shocked at how fast my old self came back. I am thinking that adderall for me was not so much an addiction, but a crutch that I thought I needed to stand up. I thought that if I lost the crutch I would be crippled... Not at all true. Thanks for the support folks. Almost there:) really the only time I even think about the med is coming here to post my success.
  6. Day 25 done! 5 more days, then off to the 60 day challenge!!
  7. Welcome to the group MadHatter! You are on the road to a happier life, much like the life before adderall. Checking in: day 24 completed!
  8. AmyQ jump back in at day 1! Don't beat yourself up. Day 23 completed for me.
  9. Way to go AmyQ!! I was wondering how you have been doing. For me, day 22 done
  10. Days 19,20,21 done! I'll see you in the 60day challenge soon FW!!
  11. Oh and calling your dr is a must. I did that before I started the 30d challenge and it's nice knowing the meds are not there for easy access
  12. Zoog, Sounds EXACTLY like my story. Jump in the 30d challenge board. I'm about to wrap up my 30days clean and I can say that the board helped me a lot. Especially thru those first couple weeks. Don't worry, you will return to your normal self faster than you think. I'm about 3 weeks into the quitting process and am amazed at how easy it has become since those first 2 weeks passed. Hope to see you in the 30d challenge soon.
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