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  1. Day 27 Just wanted to give an update. I had a wonderful Father's day, and my body has gotten used to life without meds. Once I reach my 30 days I will try to remember to post up again. I don't even notice that I wake up without it, and I have started to regain my energetic old self. I even take the stair at work 3-4 times a day, approx 10 flights. It is great to be clear headed again, not losing my temper, freaking about not getting my meds, and constantly worrying about the shortage and wondering if I will be able to fill my script. Life has been awesome without Add. Thanks to everyone who have given their support.
  2. Hey Mike, Keep it up, I am right there with you. I have a 4 yr old and 13 month old, and they wear me out so fast. But when I look at them everyday and see them smiling at me I know I HAVE to do this for them. I actually gave my bottle away when I decided to quit and now I am on day 16. I know the roller coaster feeling you have been going through. There were a couple of days where I was craving to take one. Those moments pass, and I force myself to play with my two boys, and when they start laughing and running around it gets me energized. Since you have a baby so young, you are feeling the effects of not getting enough sleep. Make sure you get adequate rest and feed that body. Yes you can, lets kick this habit together everyone.
  3. Day 16 Wow, I can't believe I have gone this long with out the need for my meds. Been super busy with work, but I feel like I have taken my life back. Thank you to everyone who has posted up here to help me going. I thought I would write just let everyone know that although it hasn't been easy it is definitely doable. Don't get me wrong, I had a couple of days where I was tempted to take one, but I was able to keep my urges in check. I have gained about five lbs, but here recently I have started to exercise again and feel stronger and more energized than when I was on Adderall. I can't say enough about how grateful I am about being off and also thanks again to all the positive people on this forum.
  4. Day 6, May 27th I am very grateful that I made it through this weekend with out the need for Adderall. I can't lie to the fact there were a couple of times that I really wanted to take one. I think it was more mental than anything else. Was able to take a short power on Sunday after taking the family strawberry picking. I woke up 20 minutes later feeling recharged and energized. So I took the boys swimming and let them spend all of their energy while I floated around in the pool with them. Yesterday was a little different, my wife was sick and I had to pick up the slack. It didn't seem all that hard doing the small chores, except for the fact that I felt like I couldn't stay focused on a given chore. I would vacuum, then see something that needed to be dusted, and before you knew it I was trying to do ten different things without actually getting one complete. So I decided to have my four yr old help me stay on track, and that was a lot of fun. I feel very fortunate that things have been going well. It is already 545 am, and I have gotten quite a bit of work complete. Need to log off and get back at it. Thanks to everyone reading and giving me support.
  5. On Day 3 Okay it is my third day. Now I remember why they said I was ADHD, hyperactivity disorder. Not really sure if that just means I have a lot of energy or what. But one thing is for sure, once I am up I have a good amount of energy and cannot simply sit still. It is more difficult being still and having the ability to focus on any one task. Even as a write, I am continually resisting the urge to get up and walk around or do something else. So far I have leaned back in my chair three times already to look around to see if I should go do something else. Instead I am not allowing my self to get out of this chair for just 10 mins. Okay, so now I finally do have to get up, just got a call for some work to be done. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on hunting, guess that was why i loved bird hunting so much. Getting up early and all that action. Miss it, cant wait for the fall again.
  6. Day 2 Today, I am amazed at the fact I can clench my hands and make a hard fist with out pain. I am totally blown away and happy that I no longer am having any heart palpitations and rashes. Hardest part has been having to wake up at 430 am for work, but thought to myself if this is the hardest part and I can conquer this, and that I can put my mind over anything. I remember the days when I would gulp down 3 or 4 30 mgs pills and feel that euphoria. Today, I actually feel better and have that sense of satisfaction of beating my need to be on Adderall. I feel like I am back to my old self and being friendly and outgoing like I used to be. It is wonderful, I just hope it stays this way and I don't go into "zombie" mode. Thanks to everyone who has posted and the words or encouragement.
  7. Today is day 1. After discussing it at length with my wife last night, and getting her support, I have decided to quit. So far I feel okay, but feel somewhat sleepy. It is taking a lot of effort just to become a member and even write on this forum. After what I read yesterday on the different forums about ADD/Adderall, I decided that I had to quit. I have two little boys, a 4 and 1 yr old. I have been having crazy side effects, like Dermititis Urticaria, a skin rash indicating an allergic reaction, anti social behavior and the onset of joint pain. Oddly enough, today my joint pain in my hands and feet are nonexistent today. I also read that if you get the allergic reaction that you are at risk of having a sever cardio-respiratory failure. I am trying to force my self to write on this forum so that I can train myself to be more more focused without being on meds. My biggest fear is becoming lethargic and having the need to sleep all the time, and having to go through sever withdrawl symptoms. I was RX medication when I was 26 and have been on them for 13 yrs. I originally took 30 mgs twice a day, but upon my request later reduced it to 20 mgs, twice a day. So if anyone has any tips or advice on how to maintain my level of energy and focus, please share. I know I am about to face some tough days, and I already have several obligations this Memorial Day Weekend, that are going to require me to have a lot of focus and determination to get through.
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