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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by happyandhealthy

  1. Day 6 and going strong. I have taken Adderall off and on since I was 16. I am now 23 going on 24. I have an awesome job, a great family, and a few close friends who I'd do anything for. For the past years, It's been war between a naturally funny, spunky, chunky gal and an evil, narcissistic monster, all because of a pill. I love the way I've felt the past week. Sure, I've been lazier, but I've been more patient and funny like old times. I've also laughed a lot more than I have in years. This is the longest I've gone in years without taking the pill. I'm a television personality, so there's a lot of pressure to be thin, but you know what? Life is so much better without it, so the 10 pounds I'll probably gain from quitting is pale in comparison to the derailment of my life on Adderall. Please, let's support each other and uplift each other as we continue this journey. So happy to have found this site. I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and I've only been a few times. I'm not going to push myself too hard until the cravings subside.
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