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  1. This is my first post and I am obviously here because I need some help and guidance from people who actually understand what I am going through. I am disgusted and disappointed in myself for letting adderall take over my life. This path of self destruction must come to an end. Tonight has been scary for me to say the very least. My body has finally had enough of this evil drug and let me know in an alarming way. I experienced blurred vision, a resting heart rate at 95 bpm, paranoia, severe difficulty breathing, and the inability to control my eyes and body from twitching all at the same time. I did not seek medical attention because I can't let my family know that I have an addiction problem. I've been laying in bed all night just trying to relax. My biggest complaint now is my insomnia which is absolutely miserable. I am a frequent user prescribed 20XR and 10IR for daily use. I get a month supply each refill and will usually finish both bottles in two weeks. I don't keep track of how many daily I take but I will have about 600mg of caffeine in energy drinks to supplement my high. I have been using adderall for about two years now and I miss the old me. This current me is miserable and useless when I'm not taking them. Sleeping until 3pm and not doing a thing all day trying to recover from a no sleep for 72 hours binge. Please help me succeed in my goal of eliminating this burden from my life! I'll trust your guidance and will greatly appreciate any support along the way of my journey to freedom. Thank you for taking the time to read this. -Al
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