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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

John Mayo

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Everything posted by John Mayo

  1. Hello everyone, This will be interesting but I'll try and shorten and get to the point! Well I took Aderrall for 3-4 months in 2010, but stopped realizing it was making me depressed, just stopped and never looked back... Well however back in I'd say December of 2011, I started taking it again, 30mgXR, I have been doing great on it, learned a lot about myself, I got rid of a lot of my insecurities from earlier on in my life, I am now 22, I am in the US Air Force, I started taking it actually in the AF and was diagnosed in as well. The biggest thing right now is for some reason the past few days the 30mgXR isn't doing what it was once doing, almost like it only works for maybe an hour, getting shorter everyday. Regardless, I still am the same person when I don't take it, such as right now there is no effect of it that I can tell. My focus could be better... But it seems harder to do the things I want to do, such as a simple conversation, like I will almost forget something or don't say what I want to say because I couldn't think of it fast enough, or cant think of a new topic, things like that. I still am Confident which before this whole process I wasn't very with some things, talking with people was one, girls in particular. Well now I am. Which I don't ever want to lose that, I don't think I will because my passion is very strong for it. Just not sure if this is a phase of not taking Aderrall or what.. Just would like some feedback. There are obviously other things that are going to be different to, but this is the one thing I care about most, I am a people person. Thanks for your time, maybe someone with a similar situation can help out.
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