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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Ragamuffin

  1. It doesn't take long to realize that we all share the same story: We got broken down and burnt-out from a life controlled by one thing: Adderall. Many of us are probably still there...at least I am. Knowing this doesn't relieve all the pain and suffering that I, you, and collecitvely "we" are going through. However, it can and does provide me, you, and "us" with some vague sense of comfort to be reminded that we are not alone in our experience with the sorrow and suffering that overwhelms our Adderall-addicted lives. Rather than bore you with my overly-familiar life story (aka "pity party") which I am more than prone to do...Instead, I just want to say today that I am glad I fumbled my way onto here. My life is pretty jacked up - equally as jacked up as yours - and no, I probably shouldn't be expecting myself to have a dramatic experience that instantaneously results in "getting my act together", though I often do expect such. Today I am reminding myself that I didn't get this jacked-up overnight, so I probably shouldn't expect that I will become entirely free overnight. And no, I'm not expecting you to instantly "get your act together" either...and I think this is okay for both of us. I'm just glad that we both made it here (to this website) together, hoping and believing that our deliverance IS possible, even if it doesn't seem to flesh out in our experience or come as quickly or easily as we would hope, prefer, or expect. We know it is possible because of those who have gone before us - who tell of their own experience in the journey to freedom. Thank you for being here too, folks. I am just glad today that I'm not the only one going through it.
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