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Lost It

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Everything posted by Lost It

  1. Update: I'm seven months off adderall. What a crazy journey it was. I get no more strange smells and feel normal. The only difficult part is seeing my girlfriend's stash, but I look good these days and just remind myself how skinny I would get if it started again.
  2. Thank you very much, Gonzo. What a solid explanation, for what was taking place. I can't believe I hadn't found this, during my scouring on the internet. I fit this definition so well. I was too aware of individuals' body language and my hearing was above par. If I heard an individual sniffle, I was able to listen in on their conversation extremely well. These conversation were mostly whispers, and at an excess of ten feet away, I was listening like I was part of the conversation.
  3. I would constantly smell mildew, ammonia, and urine. I thought maybe I was hallucinating, or maybe I wasn't and I was the source of the smell. I became fearful I smelt like one of the three things, I mentioned above. I began buying large quantities of shoes and clothing, in the instance I smelled. I would carry around a bag, at work and other places, with an extra pair of identical clothing and shoes to change into. I was showering three times a day - scrubbing my skin off. I really fell into a crazy state when I could smell ketchup more than ten feet away. At this point, I was positive I was the source of this god aweful smell. I did a poor job of explaining, in my first post. I am having issues communicating my toughts, currently. So does adderall make people smell or was I hallucinating? I should probably just let this go or it may mess with me more.
  4. I am 36 hours clean, and I am finally eating and breathing normally. I quit years ago and swore never to start again, until a friend put a large sum of money in my hand, to see my doctor again, for him. Well, my will vanished when I had them in my hands. I get ridiculous amounts, 120 20mg XR and 120 10mg IR. Seven months later, I lost my mind again. It all started with a mildew smell. I couldn't find it's source and I became obsessive. I don't smell it anymore, in my home, work may be another story. I'm curious if anyone has encountered this before? I need closure on this smell . This is an amazing resource.
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