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  1. Well, I came back to this thread to see when the last time I took Adderall was...about a month ago. It's been about a month since I've had any of the drug and I feel like absolute shit still! I've put on about 10+ pounds and I'm not even eating a lot. My metabolism is probably shot. I have NO energy to do anything. I have felt a little depressed and I have ZERO interest in everything. This worries me because I have no interest in my job anymore and I'm hoping it's due to not taking Adderall. I have been taking the Tyrosine and multi-vitamin every day. I had a complete physical for work the other day and my heart is fine, which eased my mind. I hate that these side effects haven't gone away. I never abused the drug and I'm still suffering through this and it sucks! /rant
  2. I have started taking just 5mg a day for the past 2 days, after doing a week or so on 10mg. I'm beginning to feel proud of myself for not stepping back up, but I have no energy to do everything that I need to get done.
  3. Mr. Stanford, I was on Adderall all throughout graduate school. I took it during my full-time job during the day and to help me focus at classes at night/complete my work. All I can say is this: I got through high school and undergrad without the drug (okay, I had Adderall a few times to get me through some tough projects during my undergrad). If I could manage life without it then, I can do it now. When did you start taking Adderall? Katie K
  4. I can barely get out of bed in the morning. I feel like I am in a constant fog. It's a chore to take a shower in the morning. I have no motivation to do anything and the work days are going by unbearably slow. Oh, and I'm already getting fatter! I don't know if I can do this.
  5. Thanks for the comments. I appreciate them. The past two days, I've only taken 10mg total. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I'm extremely sluggish though and I had a couple of bad mood swings that made me want to hit things..
  6. Hi everyone, I have been taking Adderall for about 2 years and have decided to quit. While Adderall has helped me greatly the past couple of years, I feel like I have lost part of myself. I feel like I have become more serious, instead of the goof that I once was. Adderall has brought on more anxiety than I used to have, but the benefits of Adderall always outweighed the anxiety for me.... until now. I have finished grad school, moved to a new location and started my career. I want to begin my life without Adderall. Adderall has actually been my little, dark secret. Other than my shrink, no one knows that I have been taking it (not even my boyfriend). I come from a family that is very against medication unless it is used for life or death. I fear my boyfriend would judge me for it, because he hates ADHD drugs. It has been the only thing I have kept from him. I hate this dark secret and I want to live life without it. I feel like I am at a place in my life where I can persevere through it without the drug... or at least try. Now I am wondering what the best way to step down is. Because I moved, I no longer have a doctor. My shrink just closed his practice as well. My daily regimen for taking Adderall was 20mg in the morning and 5mg in the afternoon. I have cut back to only taking the 20mg pills this past week. I have been sluggish, but haven't stepped back up. I am wondering what the best way to step down with 5mg IR pills would be? I have about 20 of those left. I have also been taking multivitamins every day to help give me something. Any advice? I am scared (terrified, really) of this new transition and would love some advice and/or support as I have no one to talk to about it. Thank you.
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