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please help me so sad


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hi there,

i stumbled upon this website out of desperation. i recently found a bottle of prescription adderall in my husbands car and i am completely devastated. it all makes sense now. we have 3 small children and this has become such a challenge. he is up for weeks at a time until 3:30 ish and then has a beer falls asleep and then begins his day. then after a couple of weeks he crashes for about 5 days. he wont stop sleeping, is super grumpy, he can have 6 cups of coffee and still sleep sleep sleep. he had this when i had our last baby. this is not him. this is not the person i met. he has been doing this since i can remember but i thought he had a different way of living. i am seriously so heart broken and feel so deceived. we have a family, we have children that look up to him. i cannot live with this behavior for ever. please anyone going though this addiction, help me to understand. how do i help him? how to i approach this conversation that must happen? how will he accept this? i promise you this is not a person who would be on this. i thought he was as clean as can be. i am no pure one, i did quite a bit of drugs and partying in my 20's so its not like i am naive. i am just surprised.

please help me figure this out and figure out how to approach this?

i just cant believe everything i am reading. it is all so him! he is so high and happy for weeks at a time, and then one friday after work he comes home and then he just sleeps and sleeps and nothing can wake him. i know he is suffering, because he is such a good man and dad. he tries to stay awake and be present with our little ones but he just can't. it breaks me heart. please help me help him. i would do anything to be here for him and help him through it.even if it takes a long time. 

help me figure this out please

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Hi myfamilyiseverything:  


I truly do feel for you, your children and your entire family.  I am not a professional by any stretch - just a guy trying to rid my self of the same very, very addictive drug your husband is on.  It seems like you have 2 choices 1)  Confront him regarding the substance and see if he can work with the proper doctor to taper down.  When my wife confronted me, I immedatiatly went into a volunatary hospital for a one week stay.  2)  If his condition is bad enough, you can talk to the hospital about the steps necessary to have him in-volunatarily committed to a hospital.  Under either condition - you will get your husband back after he breaks free from the drug.  Many men take adderall just to keep up in the workplace for their family without realizing how addictive the drug is.  Recovery will be a long road but many have made it and I am sure your husband will as well.  I am 5 months Adderall free now and I am sure I will never use it again - but I would not be where I am today if not for the love, committment and patience of my wife.  God Bless you and your family!

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