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Hypnosis for Adderrall Cessation


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I quit adderrall 9 days ago and was hypnotized the day before I quit with the goal being to not crave or want it.  The hypnotist said there was little she could do for the physical withdrawal but she could certainly help reinforce my desire to close this chapter of my life.  Its been over a week now and not 1 time over that period have I even wanted to use adderrall.  I was on 90 milligrams a day for around 12 years.  Days 2-7 were mostly sleeping, eating, and binging netflix with depression all the time, but I never once second guessed myself and even felt nauseous when thinking of adderrall.  

The last 2 days have been surprisingly pleasant, but I know I have a long way to go.  I also realize the hypnosis may be working as a placebo, but it is working and that is the point.  I have tried to quit several times and never made it 5 days.  While the battle isn't over I feel I have overcome the toughest part by committing to quit and cutting off access.  I have 2 more hypnosis sessions, but was wondering if anyone else has tried hypnosis?  The hypnotist had never dealt with amphetamines, but said smokers keep her in business. 

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first of all, congrats on 9 days- that's no easy feat for someone who has been using for so long! i've never tried hypnosis, and i have my own doubts about the science behind it, but regardless of whether it's placebo or not, this is the toughest fight you'll ever face so you should use everything in your arsenal to win (:

if you don't mind sharing, what was the hypnosis experience like? is it expensive?


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The cost is 100 a session and of course insurance doesn't cover.  She says it usually takes 3 sessions to address all the facets of addiction and most hypnotists give u an mp3 of the session to listen to on your own.

It was a strange experience but not in a bad way...just different.  It was like I was in the room but in sleep mode.  I really think it's helped.  Knock on wood but it's now 10 days and the last 3 have been great.  The first week sucked but I've yet to have the desire to want to take it again.

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