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Teva response to Adderall story


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Here is Teva pharmaceuticals response to the story

Teva Pharmaceuticals, the company that makes Adderall, issued a statement:

“Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance, and the package insert clearly states the risks associated with incorrect dosage, misuse or abuse and recommends that doctors properly monitor patients. This medicine is not recommended for patients with a history of drug abuse. Adderall is one of many prescription drugs subject to abuse.”

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I just clicked that link and started to read the article. I was overcome with the most disturbing, uncomfortable feeling looking at the enlarged picture of that fucking peach colored football shaped pill! That was the ONLY brand of generic adderall I would take and I went to great lengths to get it. But that picture just gave me the creeps. Whoa, I thought I was over this shit! I gotta go do something NOW to get my mind off it.

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The article was dated in 2009 so you didn't miss anything. that was just an awful experience. I took a shower and went to yoga practice and it is all good now, but that was an awful way to start my day. That was worse than the most disgusting porn I have ever seen! Funny, cuz I still enjoy looking at High Times magazine ^_^ .

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I found myself so frustrated reading through the people's responses about what they went through with this ordeal. It's obviously Teva's fault, but these people are like I can't just stop my adderall. They're like my 9 year old child was not eating or sleeping for days...blah blah. Oh my goshhhh, seriously! I guess I need to be a bit more open-minded that adderall does help some people, but it sickened me. Poor children.

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slightly off topic, but it's crazy the "side effects may include..." lists of medications these days. they're seriously worse than what they're addressing... there's a "sleep aid" commercial for some drug you can take in the middle of the night in case you wake up and have a hard time falling back asleep who's side effects include suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, bed wetting, night terrors, sleep walking, forgetfulness, sweating, headaches, diarrhea, yellow eyes.... I mean, WTF?? why are drugs like that allowed to pass? "I've woken up and now I can't sleep, waaah waaah, give me a pill that will make me sleep, and maybe murder my neighbor and have no memory of it and it's the path of diarrhea drips leading back to my house that get's me caught..."

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slightly off topic, but it's crazy the "side effects may include..." lists of medications these days. they're seriously worse than what they're addressing... there's a "sleep aid" commercial for some drug you can take in the middle of the night in case you wake up and have a hard time falling back asleep who's side effects include suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, bed wetting, night terrors, sleep walking, forgetfulness, sweating, headaches, diarrhea, yellow eyes.... I mean, WTF?? why are drugs like that allowed to pass? "I've woken up and now I can't sleep, waaah waaah, give me a pill that will make me sleep, and maybe murder my neighbor and have no memory of it and it's the path of diarrhea drips leading back to my house that get's me caught..."

Yep, sounds like Ambien to me. So glad to be off that shit. It seriously fucked up my memory.

I do miss the sex though. Ambien sex is awesome.

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I found myself so frustrated reading through the people's responses about what they went through with this ordeal. It's obviously Teva's fault, but these people are like I can't just stop my adderall. They're like my 9 year old child was not eating or sleeping for days...blah blah. Oh my goshhhh, seriously! I guess I need to be a bit more open-minded that adderall does help some people, but it sickened me. Poor children.

Poor Children. They are the innocent victims in this scam. I believe an adult can and should make their own informed decision when it comes to taking a powerful and addictive drug. But the kids really don't have a choice and they are the only ones who I hold blameless and harmless from all the damage caused by this awful drug and its ensuing addiction. That said, it is appropriate for some people, if they have narcolepsy or severe ADD.

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