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Made it to six weeks - feeling blah


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I am approaching almost 30 days. I really feel what you shared and you’re not alone in that. ♥️ But in that same breath that’s one thing that I was losing  when on adderall… the ability to feel and connect. So the blah is def there but the sense of being connected and genuine I know will be worth it in the long run (ah I hope it is.) you have got this. Trust and believe that. 

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It does get better, but it’s a very slow process. It’s currently 4 months since I quit, and I will start to have stretches of better days but then there are also still stretches of bad days where I am incredibly fatigued and depressed. I was noticing I was drinking a good amount of coffee to deal with the fatigue and it actually made my symptoms worse so I’m currently cutting that out as well and it some seem to help a bit with my recovery.


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SO proud of you all - you are in (IMO) the most difficult and excruciating portion of the entire process. What you are looking forward to (genuine connectivity and emotion) are already peeking through.

I've made it to 18mo. myself and can tell you the good stuff is RIGHT around the corner. There will be highs and lows, but personally I am (and have been for a while) 100% FREE. I don't think about popping pills at all anymore, I don't feel that constant and total void of energy and work enthusiasm, I REALLY and truly am better at my job than ever in my career.... All things I never ever actually believed would be on the other side of this unbelievably challenging process.

You can and WILL do it and that is so amazing and I am excited for each of your successful journeys. You got this.

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