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2 years off adderall after 8 years of daily use check in

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I finally made it to two years off adderall after 8 years of daily use and overall things are ok. 

Some things that I am still struggling with is low energy most days

 No matter how much I sleep I struggle to make it through the day without naps or burning out. 

My natural motivation is unpredictable and it takes a lot of energy to complete simple tasks. 

I am currently around 200 gained 50 the first year off adderall and have not been able to lose any weight despite trying interment and fasting, counting calories, going to the gym ect 

At this point I don't know if any of this will improve or if this is just my new baseline. 

This week I have had major adderall cravings due to feeling behind in life and frustrated with my weight and situation. 

Did anyone still struggle with some of these issues 2 years off adderall? Did it get better? 




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Hot summer weather tends to put a cap on motivation during the day.  My longest lasting withdrawal effect was random depression, which would come on about three times a year.  I worked through it by telling myself it was just a chemical imbalance and it would pass.  I only gained about 15 lbs and it started coming off about a year after quitting,  As far as your cravings go, just change the channel when your mind goes there.  Cravings are just destructive thoughts that aren't worthy of your time.

Oh, and congrats for two years!  That eight years of daily use will seem less significant as time goes on.  I was on that shit for nine years when I quit 13 years ago.

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Congrats on two years @tjzen!  I'm glad to hear you're feeling OK.  This will continue to improve!  I also struggle getting through some days without naps.  Do you mind if I ask how old you are?  I've just come to accept afternoon/evening fatigue as a reality of getting older.  I think being on adderall for long periods of time makes you feel immune to the normal affects of aging that everyone experiences.  But I still think you're going to continue to feel improvements, and a quick little 10 minutes of shut-eye can always do wonders in the later afternoon!

As far as weight goes, I struggled with this too for years but eventually overcame it and got into better shape than I was ever in before I even took adderall.  I know there is lots of materials out there on the internet for this sort of thing, but maybe I'll make a post here about it anyway.  Weight loss is a completely different journey while overcoming amphetamines.  I think the plan that eventually worked for me was one that was set up in such a way to be easy to stick to, and would work for pretty much anyone.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I embarassed to admit that I had a mini relapse triggered by a high pressure work trip. Ended up at the doctors and got about 7 addys which I took over 4 days. 

My mental health about the situation is not great and I haven't told anyone. 

I feel ashamed of myself having lived without adderall for over 2 years to go back to it. Having it a few days did give me some extra energy and focus but probably could have survived without it. I guess I am back to day 3 off adderall. 

Thankfully not expierencing full on withdrawal sinptoms just my usual low energy self. I am 34 BTW 

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Hey @tjzen,

I for one am super happy to hear you only had a few days worth and are already back on the wagon.  I know your situation wasn't the same as mine, so I want to be careful not to project too much.  But the most important thing to do first is to let go of the guilt and shame.  Forgive yourself man, it's hard.  It's nothing to be embarassed about.  But you managed to make it 2 years clean and sober, and that's a really big accomplishment.  You must have had some really hard days and difficult challenges over the past couple years (probably more difficult than the work trip you just had) and yet you managed to get through those days without pills.  To pull that off, you must REALLY want to get off of this stuff and stay off.  So I think the thing to do now is to really reflect on the reasons you quit in the first place.

The good news is, 7 pills over a few days is just a little slip, as long as you don't let it sink its teeth in and turn into a full blown relapse.  And you already said you're back to day 3, so that's a sign that you won't!  Remember, just because you strayed a little doesn't mean you are back at day zero.

Another silver lining you probably got out of this is a bit of a reminder that the pills really don't help all that much.  Whether using them for productivity, or for a speed-binge, they're never as good as we remember when we look back and miss them during our cravings.

Lastly, what is the new plan going forward?  I know for myself, if a re-supply was only a doctor's visit away, I'd already be using again.  Personally I had to get myself completely cut off in order to quit.  Is that possible? In my case it was easy since I was abusing the drug to get high, so all I had to do was tell my clinician that and they'll never give me a prescription again, as long as I live.  But I know its different for many of you who genuinely used responsibly for a long time.  But somehow you've got to make adjustments to your plan so this doesn't happen again.

But all in all, I say keep your chin up.  And don't let this get you down and forget how well you've done to make it this far.  Yes, this could turn into a disaster but it hasn't yet.  If you get yourself back on track this is just a little minor bump in the road.

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@tjzen Thank you for sharing your story with us and not hiding it. Secrets are the fast track back to hell. I am so glad to hear you stopped it right away. Let us know how you're doing!!! We are here for you!!! Stay strong my friend!!


God speed!

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Hey guys just checking in things are going fine since the relapse I haven't picked up more adderall but did smoke more weed than usual for a few weeks trying to cut it down and today is 4 days sober. I had some blood work done and the doctor said I was low iron and vitamin D. She prescribed me some vitamins and will start taking them soon. 

I think the main thing stopping me from getting back on adderall is the horrible withdrawals and how long it took me to get through my days without it. Adderall dependence is a horrible beast that I need to stay away from. 


Will continue my journey without adderall and will check in regularly to update the community on any progress or setbacks. Thanks for your support

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