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12 Miles a Week Running Club


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  On 8/14/2013 at 4:28 AM, ashley6 said:

That is SO impressive.....over 7 miles of consecutive running?! Daaaaamn girl :) I've done 0 this week so far, but I'll get on it tomorrow. I can't believe how much you've improved in this short period of time. Keep it up, woman!

I'm curious...have you noticed a change mentally as well? I mean, I'm sure you have, I'm just curious as to how much of an impact the exercise has had on your mind. They aren't lying about exercise being an anti-depressant :)

I definitely feel a difference. I feel more endurance and more energy overall. 

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Hi all! Way to go Ashley, Occasional and InRecovery/Greg (always fun to find out someone's real name). You guys still continue to inspire me. I'm at a conference for work and have been getting in treadmill time in the mornings at the hotel. At 9 miles so far this week. I never run on treadmills except while traveling and staying in hotels. Normally I don't really push myself beyond my natural pace which is about a 10 minute mile, so it's been kinda cool upping the pace for intervals and pushing myself. However, in general I agree with the sentiment that my goals are not about speed, but about time or distance. If I set out to run 4 miles I don't care how long it takes, or if I just want to run for 30 minutes that's what I'll do regardless of how far I go. 

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  On 8/14/2013 at 4:28 AM, ashley6 said:

That is SO impressive.....over 7 miles of consecutive running?! Daaaaamn girl :) I've done 0 this week so far, but I'll get on it tomorrow. I can't believe how much you've improved in this short period of time. Keep it up, woman!

I'm curious...have you noticed a change mentally as well? I mean, I'm sure you have, I'm just curious as to how much of an impact the exercise has had on your mind. They aren't lying about exercise being an anti-depressant :)


Ashley, I just wanted to respond to something about how running long distances, 12 miles a week, creates change mentally. For me, I mentioned endurance but also mental toughness. For the Adderall addict, I feel like building mental toughness is one of the reasons we reached for it in the first place. And now we are building mental toughness the natural way. Running is the way to do it because we constantly have to fight off fatigue to get to 12.


As for endurance, I def improved. When I was playing tennis, I felt like I could go on for a long time in the heat. before starting the 12 miles a week, I would have puttered out --I don't know-- after not too much gameplay. even after running the 5K I wanted to run more later. so endurance has really picked up.

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  On 8/14/2013 at 2:30 AM, occasional01 said:

Feeling stronger and more capable of running longer distances!  I have our club to thank for this serious increase in my strength and endurance.


Just ran 7.24 miles consecutively and I haven't run that far in, umm, years.  I really pushed myself and it felt great. Once I got going and the endorphines were flowing I just decided to take the long way. 


Also, did 30 push ups.  Maybe I'll aim for 100 for this week!


How's everyone doing?!?!

great job Occasional. You know that if you ran for another 6 miles, that would be HALF a MARATHON!. 13.1 miles.

Have any of you ran the whole 12 miles in a single run? The most I got to was 8. Usually my ankles start to feel like they are going to give out.

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  On 8/17/2013 at 2:05 AM, greg said:

great job Occasional. You know that if you ran for another 6 miles, that would be HALF a MARATHON!. 13.1 miles.

Have any of you ran the whole 12 miles in a single run? The most I got to was 8. Usually my ankles start to feel like they are going to give out.

Greg its funny you mention that, because I just got back from running 13.1 miles!!!  I've never run so far in my life!!!!    and I have NO IDEA how to recover from this kind of workout, lol.   I had a half marathon as a goal for like the spring, or maybe late fall.  I had NO IDEA I was capable of running this far. 


I didn't work out last night because I had a panic attack and got distracted/tired afterwards, so I figured I'd finish/start my mileage this morning on the mountain.    I thought I'd push it to around 8-9 miles.  (13.1 wasn't even the goal.)   Then it turned out that the trail I was counting on to finish my loop didn't exist, and I had to go back.   So I got a little lost which added miles and hills. Mixture of trails and country roads, some hills.  I stopped a few times, but kept pushing myself to keep running.  I barely let myself walk.  It REALLY HURT towards the end.  I even outran my runner's high!  By the end I was ready to vomit and my hips and muscles were all in pain, but I made it.

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Holy cow. Occasional1, you are a total Rock Star!!!!! You did a half marathon!?? You have fully entered "full fledged runner" mode. You need a subscription to Runners World, a plane ticket for an upcoming marathon, and Vibrams Five Fingers. I think they look horrible (design) but they seem to be all the rage with runners (form)


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Hahaha IR I don't know about those Vibrams, I'd have to try them-- people DO seem to swear by them!  BUT I am gonna sign up for a half marathon.  And I will say that previously, my record run was 8 miles.  It really wasn't a huge stretch to add on a few more, except towards the end.  I know you're working on speed more than distance......but I will say that if I can do it, then you can too!!!!! :)

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you should definitely sign up for a half marathon. after doing my first run with 80 other runners, i realized these things are fun. usually followed food and stuff. 


I was able to squeeze in 2.5 miles before a thunderstorm/downpour struck. i forced myself to run todaybecause i hate it when friday is rolling around and i am far away from the goal. I like to be in the 'almost finished' position when i hit Thursday. dont like the pressure to run like 9 miles in a single run.

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  On 8/18/2013 at 3:13 PM, occasional01 said:

Hahaha IR I don't know about those Vibrams, I'd have to try them-- people DO seem to swear by them!  

I am curious to read this. i want to know what the fuss is about. Is minimalist running really all that?


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Good job guys. I am at 5 right now and heading out for a run.


I like it how we are all so honest on this forum. My mom was asking what if we decide to lie about our 12 miles? and i was like we dont have that problem. lol.


next, i think we need t-shirts for our 12 mile running club.

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hi - i am sorry i have to keep switching back and forth screen names. im not sure why im having this problem. ??


Anyway, everyone, I made it to 12!!


Today i did something different. There is a running club that uses our track, all the members pay for it. I always watch them with curiosity from the sidelines.  they sprint three laps around the track..take a break..and then repeat the cycle over and over until they have hit three miles. They are all so FAST. I want to make speed a goal of mine. I tried this today and i think i went faster. Just thought id share with you all if you want to try it.




I am really, really, really worried. I just dont want to develop a problem but I know ashley6 and occasional are on Kolonopin and are fine.


My semester kicks off in a few days. And all the social interacting, work, classes etc etc. I just know it will help me. i remember last semester i was having full blown panic attacks. I am on .5 mgs twice a day - anyone know if that is low? I am already feeling anxiety as i write about this.


I guess this is something i should bring up in the other forums. It IS helping with my PAWS which would probably be the main reason im on it. Im just really worried. The idea of developing another addiction is so frightening. there isn't a word to describe how awful it would be. but it seems to really help.


am i being overly paranoid about going on xanax?

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