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  On 8/23/2013 at 2:20 PM, occasional01 said:

I feel you Ashley. I have the same concern about coping with anxiety. I think xanax/klonopin/etc are best used in conjunction with other strategies to work through the anxiety and get to its sources. That way, hopefully eventually, we can learn other techniques and not need meds as much. For me, a lot of the time, meds only take the worst edges away from the anxiety and I still have to take other measures....like walking, breathing, running, positive thinking, counting down from 100, telling myself it will pass, etc. BUT I am not in therapy and I know I should be because that would help me get to the sources of it.

I think getting to the sources or contributing factors has to be key, but it's really hard to figure out where the anxiety is coming from. When people ask what I'm anxious about, I have to say I'm not anxious 'about' anything. It just shows up like a monster out of nowhere. I mean, I first found out I had panic disorder when I was 22 and went to a dr thinking I had a heart problem. Ashley I remember somewhere you said you went through something similar right?

I've always respected xanax and klonopin, I never had an addictive relationship with it, and like you I don't look forward to taking it or anything. It IS a drug dependency, but it's not addiction, and there's a big difference between the two. For people like us I don't think there's anything wrong with the dependency. It's worth it. To be honest, if a doctor told ]me I could take xanax for the rest of my life, I would

DELETE --- reposted my comment in the discussion forums under the title 'thoughts on Xanax?'
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Great job Ashley Greg Rich and Cat!!!!!


Just went for an amazing evening run!  I was a little angry which fueled it further.  It was one of those amazing runs where it just flowed and felt almost easy and I was moving fast too. 


Anyway, here's my week so far:


Saturday:  4 mile hike

Monday: 4.5 mile hike

Tuesday: 4 mile run

Push ups total so far: 30


The plan:

Run 8 more miles by Friday

Do 70 more push ups by Friday


How's everyone else doing?!

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When does everyone's week start? Mine starts on Monday. This week, well, I played indoor soccer for an hour on Monday and I am SORE. It was a lot of running but not sure how to quantify it. The soreness is crazy, soccer involves different muscles than running bc of the start and stop. Anyway, I did run 2.5 miles today. Long way to go to get to 12 but here's to trying!

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Good job Ashley! I think most of us are on Saturday to Friday. With check ins on Friday.


When did you switch schedules Ashley? 


I got 18 so far with week but with work kicking in i think i will be fighting to find the time to get to 12 pretty soon.


I am up for switching from Monday to Sunday if you guys all are.

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I'm still at zero for the week. It's been near 100 degrees and very humid so I'll have to find a treadmill to run on.

I had a slip up yesterday with Vyvanse. Broke a 5 day no pills streak, and I've been off and on this summer after being off for more than 18 months. I just need to get rid of the pills I have. I can feel the terrible effects they have on my body, and I've already been more distant with my fiancé. One of the main reasons I began taking vyvanse was because I thought it helped focus me in social situations and made me more talkative and charming. I'm realized yesterday that unless I'm in that first hour of euphorica it actually makes me lock up and seem off in social situations.

After googling most of last night for horror stories of how adderall ruins lives I ran across a pretty interesting article. It's about a guy who was told by his a doctor that "adderall is forever." He ended up quitting. This really motivated me to commit to quitting so I can prove to myself that vyvanse isn't forever.


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That story was very inspirational, Rich. Adderall/Vyvanse do NOT have to be forever. I think you should toss your pills. It's shown that having them there poses too much of a risk. I'm 16 months sober, and I still don't want any sort of stimulants around me. Not that I have a desire to take them, they just make me SO uncomfortable.

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By the way team, I've been SO bad at keeping up with my miles. I have to drive 4 hours today, and I have class, so I'm going to have to find some serious motivation to get some miles in tonight. I'm at 0 this week. Wtf????

I just had a revelation after I typed this. I've been feeling pretty happy lately. Like happier than I have in awhile. I use exercise to deal with my anxiety and depression. So, in essence since I've been feeling better, I've been taking it for granted and have gotten lazy and not incorporating working out as much. I just wanted to share, and it made me realize this is NOT acceptable.

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Ashley I think it's totally understandable that you're having trouble getting your miles in!  You are going through a major transition right now and going back to finish what you started, plus school takes sooooo much time!   I think that might be part of why it's harder to keep up with miles.  I know that whenever I'm going through transitional times, exercise tends to drop.   I think it's all about finding the right rhythm for when/what time to work out.


How is your transition going so far? If you don't mind me asking?  I'm so glad to hear you're feeling happy and that the exercise is helping!

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