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  On 9/25/2013 at 9:26 PM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

if this posts twice, ignore me (I got booted out of the forum momentarily, not quite sure what happened).


I guess I AM joining you guys - I just did another 3 mile run.  Me and the sandflies... they kept flying in to my open mouth!  


So that's 6 miles this week.  Half way there... it's a good feeling!  


YOU GUYS GOT SO FIT SO FAST!  it's remarkable reading your posts.  Definitely inspirational.


YES!   12 miles doesn't sound like a lot, (nor does my 100 push ups/week goal), but actually doing it makes a HUGE difference in terms of fitness and overall well being. 

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You guys are serious inspiration!  I went to the gym yesterday -- $30 for a daily membership, wha??!!  Anyway, I started back on the squats and deadlifts and lunges.  Felt really great... thought I might even be getting back in the rhythm of fitness until... I fell down the stairs last night and landed on my back.




I was supposed to have packed up all my stuff from the summer and be driving back to the City today, but I am feeling v sorry for myself because I can barely walk (mostly from the gym, to be honest, and a bit from the MASSIVE BRUISE I have on my lower back) and it is a cloudy day here, so I am drinking coffee and admiring all you fit people.  Does that mean I have to run 6 miles tomorrow?  Or do I get Sunday as well?  Be kind!

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Check in Sunday Guys!


OK. I have three exams on Tuesday and am actually pulling an all nighter tonight. And probably tomorrow. But on Friday I did my 12 miles in a single gulp. (actually i did 13.1) 


I knew i would have NO time this week unless i did it all at once. And also I wanted to break the psychological barrier that i could run 13.1 miles outside. I stopped to rest a couple times, and some of my laps i ran at a tortoise pace. but it got done. 


I have done it on the treadmill a couple times now. After i broke the psychological barrier that i could do it, it became easier the next couple times.  I really owe this 13.1 mile habit thing i am developing to you Occasional, because ever since you did 13.1 in a single run, i was like i HAVE to push myself to be able to do that too. And then i kept going. I have done it maybe 4 times on the treadmill and 1 time on the track now. i dont know how long i will keep up that craziness though.


Also, the SHOES have taken all the strain off my knees that had been taking a beating. Dont forget to change your shoes everyone if it has been 3-4 months.


CHECK in SUNDAY you all.. :)

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Greg you totally inspire me!!   Knowing that you've done the 13.1 so many times already makes me want to step up my game!     I think I'm going to sign up for a half marathon.   But I've only done 13.1 that one time so I need to start pushing distances more consistently!


Things have been pretty busy for me too but I got my miles in at the last minute yesterday.  I did around 17 miles this week, and 12-13 of those were running (the rest were hiking).  I also got my 100 push-ups but 45 of those were yesterday, last-minute style.  I would NOT have worked out yesterday if it weren't for our club.


I love how we inspire each other in here!!!!   Amazing job Greg MFA & Ashley!!!!!! 


BTW, has anyone experimented with a running/workout schedule?   I'm thinking of having mandatory running days on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and either Saturday or Sunday or both.   That way I know when I have to go, and can't procrastinate, and maybe can start upping my miles too.  But I'm scared that having required days might make it a chore.  I like the flexibility of the weekly goal with nothing else.  Hmmmm......

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Hey there - Occasional1 you're amazing!  100 pushups!?  Ok I'm going to start with 3.  Can't go bad from there, huh?  


Actually I'm kinda by accident starting to do the running and gym thing.  I HATE running on the treadmill (zzzzzzzz) but like running outside, and lifting is such different and good exercise.  My goal in the gym is to go 4x a week - and work different body parts each time, plus the 12 miles running.


Yesterday I did arms and shoulders, but it's really the squatting I want to get good at - I'd just love to be able to squat some heavy weights; I'm so impressed when I see women do that.  I just have to get a stronger core first... so crunches and on-the-ball stuff I'm trying to do every time I go.  Wanna do a 12 mile + 4 day a week gym thing?  You guys are turning me in to a gym rat!

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MFA your plan sounds great!  I'm into the 12 miles, 4 days a week thing.   Squats and weights sound great too.  I'd like to get into them at some point but it's tough to be motivated to actually do it because I get bored at the gym.    Same with the treadmill, I just stare at the numbers and can't wait to be done.


Actually, push ups totally bore me too but I just force myself to crank them out fast because it's pretty much my only core/back/upper body workout, and it's extremely efficient because it's so tough and so boring. 


I guess once you get into the rhythm of any workout, it can become fun.  Maybe working out, like everything else with adderall recovery, comes down to figuring out our natural/genuine sources of motivation, and working with those. 

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Good job Ashley. I would just count the strictly running. I only count running miles. I did 6 today outside with lots of breaks inbetween. I would run four laps at a leisurely pace and then sit on the bench and rest and then get back up and the run another mile around the track at a leisurely pace. Not thrilled with this running session. Knowing I can do better. I would have been able to go straight through probably on the treadmill but outside I am having a tough tough Time, Is this a mind thing?? Lol. I think used to prefer running outside.

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Just rode 9.6 miles.  My body really wants to run but it's not looking like I'll be in the club this week since I have so much work to do this weekend.  :( 


This past week of sedentary life, I'm definitely noticing a difference in terms of my mental states.   I've been extra moody, PAWS-y, anxious, depressed.  I feel like I've taken several steps backwards.   I can't help but wonder if it's because I haven't been working out.

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Well, I asked your advice, and I didn't like the answer, although I think you're both right :) I might count my walking/running miles together this week and start on only running miles next week. I said that awhile back, but I'm serious! We'll see what happens....have to get in another run anyway before Sunday. Occasional, sorry to hear you're feeling blah. It definitely could be lack of exercise, but it certainly doesn't have to be.....the ups and downs of recovery are delightful, right? Just remember...this too shall pass!

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Ashley, I think you are making the right decision  :D  :D

Occasional, Good Luck on your work this week.


OK, I just did 13.1 - I feel really, really sick right now.  emot-puke.gif  


Yesterday 13.1 - Afterwards I felt so sick  emot-puke.gif


The day before 6 - I felt fine.


Check in Sunday Guys... :wacko2:

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Ashley congrats on the 5k!!! 


InRecovery congrats on 13.1 two days in a row!!! I can't even imagine doing that! 


I'm going to sign up for a half marathon so I have to force myself to make the time to train.  I don't want to start losing all the progress I've made over stupid work.


Going for a run tonight to start off this upcoming week right.  No drinking, all running.  :)

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