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Tiny Beautiful Things


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That's funny, I assumed you were on the west coast for some reason.  That was a beautiful word picture.  I wish that I had that level of talent to describe my experiences in the Big Horns last week.  This country has an amazing landscape.


Give it a shot Justin. Didn't we all have creative writing class in 8th grade?


Thank you for the positive responses. Gratitude is very important for recovery, Z, good point.

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  • 5 months later...

I thought maybe we should resurrect this one and keep it going.  Gratitude is crucial to recovery and to just living a full life!


The sun is shining, and the trees outside my window are exploding into their own fullness.  White cherry blossoms that began as tiny buds, self-enclosed nodes of anticipation to bring forward the light and beauty of summer.  I like to sit and admire them every evening at sunset, to notice how they change.   Today, they have fully exploded into being.  In the sunlight it almost looks like snow on the branches, except that it's actually flowers.

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You are a beautiful writer Jon.

That gave me goosebumps. And I loved the point of your post. Amazing.

Fall is my favorite season but fall in the north is the best and most magical ever. I always look forward to back to school sales, wearing cozy sweaters and boots, pumpkins on front porches, hot apple cider, the changing of the leaves, jumping into piles of leaves, cooking homemade soup… I can't wait.

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I'm grateful for the peaceful, playful, happy Sunday I had today -- slacking off :)    


I'm grateful I didn't spend it the way I used to, pounding a bunch of adderall, freaking out, working myself to death.  I'm grateful for quitting.  And I'm grateful for YOU ALL!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Clean sheets, clean body, clean teeth, heavy eyelids, and out of meds. So I fall asleep tonight peacefully, knowing I will experience tomorrow fully. I love the relief that pours over me when I run out. Tomorrow I will laugh and eat and crave affection..... And my dr appt is next week.... Idk if I'll be brave & honest or if I'm going to scheme. Rereading that sentence answers my question.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Walking my dog along the river at the end of a hazy lazy Sunday with dragonflies buzzing around us. Day 9 of my recovery. I used to pick my fingers as my eyes anxiously darted around, too nervous and in a hurry to look fellow walkers, runners, etc., in the eyes. Today I smiled and said hi to many instead. Relief.

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There is something refreshing about watching my children soak up their education and not being too busy doing random household chores (constantly!) to help with reading time.  I set a timer last night and sat on the couch while my 9 year old read a "Warriors" book to me...nice.  I am finally taking the time to enjoy my children.   


Also, I am so grateful for the strength I didn't know I posessed to quit this terrible habit.   

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