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Dysfunctional or Adderall Addict?


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I have a friend who is addicted to adderall.  he claims he is sober from a decade+ of drug abuse (cocaine, alcohol, oxy, etc), but he snorts the adderall a lot, and then runs out, then he lays around and does nothing but sleep for a week until he can get another script.  I've known him for 3 years.  He is unable to hold down a job, at all.  he hasn't worked literally in 3 years.  when he is "up' on adderall, he is on facebook trying to heal people spiritually and this is his work.  but - he doesn't get paid.  he lives off of money from  me and his mom.  he is completely disconnected from humanity.  he stays in his room all day.  he only goes out to get cigarettes, he claims bc humanity is just animals and he can't stand hearing their thoughts all day.  he is also bi-polar.  he shouldn't be taking adderall anyways it puts him in manic state and he stays up for a couple days, saving the world.  


I am at the point I want to cut off all funds.  I feel he doesn't fully see that adderall is ruining his life.  I can't tell if it's the addiction or if it's true dysfunction/disability.  it's very hard to tell if it's true disability.  he just is so odd that he cannot keep a job, at all.  he lives in a completely 'nother world.  

Help me help him.  what should I do?  He snorts adderall and knows he mis-uses it sometimes, but he says most of the time he can "moderate" - I quit alcohol so I know that story, he should just quit.


My question - how has YOUR life improved after quitting?  did you regain your thoughts?  did you get over the depression and lethargy?


thanks for listening.  I have great compassion for those caught up in drugs.  just one time and you are hooked on this stuff.  



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Let me start by saying , the way you've described your friend I think he may need medical help. Please consult with a doctor as he sounds very unstable. Addiction to Adderall may be only one of his issues.  Search around the forum you will find lots of posts from people improving in there daily lives after quitting.  Good luck.

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Was he bipolar before the Adderall? The reason I ask is because two of my friends recently told me that during my Adderall days, they thought I was bipolar or had some kind of mental illness (they didn't know I was on Adderall at the time). On Adderall my two states were up or down, so I can see how it would appear I was bipolar.


It seems like you have to give him some sort of ultimatum/intervention and cut off his financial support if you want him to get better. What motivation does he have to get a job and stop using drugs if he doesn't have to work and has other people to provide for him? I have a friend who is truly bipolar and has had trouble holding jobs continuously, so I understand the real mental illness part of it. However, my friend also comes from a wealthy family and has a trust fund, so he's never really been forced to work out of necessity. Not saying your friend's mental illness isn't real, but it's amazing what we will rise up if the choices are either work, or be out on the streets, you know? Fear is a powerful motivator.


Not to make light of your situation, but it reminded me of something the comedian David Cross said in one of his stand up specials. He was talking about the show Intervention and he said something like, "These people get to live in their parents' basements for several years, all expenses paid, with no responsibilities, and do drugs all day long. Then, they get to go to a free 90 day rehab on the beach, look back on their life and say, 'those were some crazy times.' That sounds freaking awesome!"


In all seriousness though, I hope you are able to help your friend. Amphetamine addiction is a serious beast.

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