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What can Adderall do for you? RUIN YOU!


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I haven't been on here in awhile but I am still clean.  I am dealing with the aftermath of my Adderall addiction.  I lost my career of 14 years, I am facing 4 felony charges, my life has forever changed and will never be the same. Why?  Because I was too stupid to quit Adderall before it got to the point of no return.  For those of you who are pondering quitting, JUST DO IT!! I am going through the worst hell of my life OFF of Adderall!!! Do it now before it sucks the life out of you!!!! Do it now before you have to not only go through withdraw, but go through withdraw AND have your life fall apart at the same time!! Just please do it before you end up like me, losing everything and starting from the ground up!

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I am so sorry your life has taken this terrible turn after successfully quitting Adderall. I appreciate your warning to the pondering quitters out there. Maybe your warning will sway some of the fence walkers.


I would love to listen to the whole story. You have definately stirred my curiosity. I respect your privacy and hope that I haven't crossed any boundries by expressing an interest in learning the rest of your story.


I wish you only the best as you endure these challanges.

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Your post made me think back to all the stupid shit I did under the spell of Adderall addiction.  My behavior under the influence of Adderall, and especially in pursuit of more Adderall was great motivation to quit before I ruined my life.  I could see the train wreck coming: legal problems. loss of my career and retirement dreams, and loss of just about everything I held dear, including my health.   My luck held out and my life held together until I finally kicked the addiction.  I felt like Karma was going to kick my ass if I didn't turn my life around. 


I am truly sorry for your situation, ID.  Thanks for posting this warning to those who are risking it all in pursuit of their addiction(s). 

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Thanks for posting.  I was fired from a career due to my Adderall addiction and if the double doctoring, multi pharmacies and buying the illegally caught up with me I suspect I would be in some kind of legal trouble.  Thankfully I didn't get caught.  Chasing script caused me to make some dumb decisions.   Your not alone.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. I could've faced a lot of legal trouble myself time and time again if I would've gotten caught chasing my addiction and buying illegally. My heart goes out to you. This is not only a warning to those who haven't quit, but even us who have, to remember the lifestyle of addiction is what we'd have if we ever went back. Thank you for sharing. I'll be praying for you.

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