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Is the depression part of the withdrawals?


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I detoxed a few years ago off opiates and the depression part was the worst. I read that is was PAWS (post addiction withdrawl syndrome??) it really helped me remember that the depression is the chemical change happenng in my brain. It lasted about a 6 weeks for me. Is it the same thing coming off addy?? I was clean those 6 weeks then shortly after that I have struggled with my adderall addiction. I just want to be happy like I was before I started all my pill issues. I am a true addict!!!

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  On 1/17/2014 at 4:26 PM, FreeBird said:

I was wondering what PAWS was I had saw were several people had mentioned it before but I wasn't sure and had been meaning to looking it up. WHICH I think I still will because it sounds like something I might be experiencing by like I said I don't know much about it.

Odds are that you are experiencing it; it has just gotten more manageable since the beginning of your quit.  For me, it has always come in waves.  The longer you're quit, the longer the time that you have between the lows and the shorter the lows last.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate the depression part of coming off pills. When I came off pain meds (my first experience to addiction) the depression was unbearable. This time around it's more if a nagging depression. It makes me understand what people with depression go through and truly get it. I struggle with anxiety and mine turns to anger. I take lexapro for it and it keeps my anxiety somewhat tamed. Day 5 of not using I felt really low today and a lot of self pity but I am trying to remember it's my brain chemicals going wacky and it will level out someday. My church had a worship night tonight and even though I stopped going to church when my addiction was at it's lowest a couple of years ago I went tonight. Just singing and praying felt so good and for that 90 mins I had hope. That's my day 5!!

Robin: I'm glad you posted I have been looking to say hi and tell you I admire you and your transparency helps me to open up:)))

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http://www.acnp.org/G4/GN401000166/CH162.htm... I read this great article/scientific information on amphetmine abuse. It's very long and detailed but it gave me some insight that I needed. Also there is a term for all of us it's "Amphetamine Use Disorder". Look it up it's pretty interesting. I never understood why being 46yrs old and never having an addiction problem until 3 yrs ago. I didn't drink, smoke and only took Tylenol on the rare occasion. My pain pill addiction was a year battle but was fairly easy to quit. I have even had to take pain meds a couple days when I broke my foot and tossed the rest in the trash. I started use adderall during my pain med abuse. I have had clean time from amphetamines but I always go back. I'm sure I self numb but even when I get 30 days or so off of it and feel great it will hit me. I am hoping my therapy will help. I made more calls today and I feel hopeful.
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That's great Luckyducky, good for you, you'll get threw it! And I gotta check out that article you all were talking about, seems really interesting.


Oyvey, I hope you feel better. I know nothing we can say will make you feel better right now but know, this will pass. I, myself am on zoloft right now. If I had it my way, I wouldn't be... I wouldn't be on anything but the depression got so bad and I've been feeling a lot better on it and wish I got on it sooner actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 1/17/2014 at 4:26 PM, Robin said:

I was wondering what PAWS was I had saw were several people had mentioned it before but I wasn't sure and had been meaning to looking it up. WHICH I think I still will because it sounds like something I might be experiencing by like I said I don't know much about it.

I have found this to be a good explanation of PAWS.


I did quite a number on myself in my adderall binging days (I was mostly snorting adderall too and was over 250mgs a day sometimes more) so even years later after quitting my PAWS gets really bad and intense. Especially when I am under stress and haven't slept enough. But I doubt yours would last as long as mine has. the length of PAWS is different for everyone.

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