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going back to the gym


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Hi everyone,

This is my first post in the general forum. After reading a lot of your topics and posts I'm so happy to have found these forums. All of you are so positive and supportive.

I have been sober for a little over 16 months now ( I wrote a lot of my story in the "tell your story forum"). For mist of my time sober like a lot of you I took it very easy on myself worked a 9-5 job went to aa meetings and not much else. I forced myself to go to the gym once or twice.

I recently (a wk and a half ago) made a move from FL back t my hometown in IL. I am currently on a job hunt that is thus far unsuncessful which has been causing me some anxiety. I don't yet have a schedule up here and feel like I have been letting my recovery suffer as I have been sleeping a lot and feeling more depressed than usual. I think a lot of it has to do with not having a job to keep me occupied yet up here. I read some of your posts saying some of you struggled at 16 months too. Maybe it's the 16 month slump? I'm also on an anti-depressant, effexor, 150 mg. (It doesn't seem to be helping). I also am missing my support system in FL and am trying to slowly build it back up here.

I am thinking about going to the gym again to help with my anxiety and depression.

Just seeing if any of you have struggled with depression during your recovery and f you have suggestions on what to do? Maybe it will just continue to get better with time?



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Just focus on finding a job as fast as possible. The boredom and lack of structure is what's causing your anxiety. If you're busy working you don't have as much time to ruminate and get depressed, depression being a self absorbed state. The longer you're sober the easier it gets to tell your mind to shut the hell up, but I felt this way when I was looking for a job at 18 months sober too. Working out is always a plus.

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Thank you for both of your speedy replies no pun intended lol.

Cassie, yes that is exactly what I have been doing, ruminating and being self absorbed. Yuck I hate how self centered stuck in my own head I can get. I'm very glad to know I'm not s lone though and that it gets easier. I just got back from the gym this morning and now back to job hunting. :)

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Make sure that your support system is extremely sound if you decide to try a different anti-depressant than Effexor!  That is bad stuff and the withdrawal symptoms can be quite extreme.  All of us have down days, even at this point in recovery.  16 months appears to be another plateau period in recovery but I suspect that after another 2 months or so things will get back on track, at least that's what I'm hoping for.

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I really think you'll find that you feel better once you find a job! I recently started my first "real" job since finishing college, and it has made a big difference in how I feel overall. Before the job, I had lots of idle time, and as much as I like it sometimes, only short periods of idle time are good for me. I think it's great that you have AA as a support system. If you're going to meetings in Illinois, I bet you'll gain back a steady support system there. I don't go to meetings, but I have been, and I've seen how great it can be for addicts. I don't particularly remember 16 months, but I do know that I didn't start feeling like I was getting motivation until about two years, but it varies for everyone, so just hang in there, and I think you'll feel better soon! Exercise is great for your mental state (and so many other benefits) so definitely a good idea! I need to get my butt back to exercising! I hope you'll keep us posted and a huge congratulations on 16 months!

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