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Im gonna try to quit adderall

Dirty Dan

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I'm gonna try to quit that's all. Thanks to you guys. I've been on adderall for almost two years. I used to be the chubby kid in school. Not that I minded. I weighed 220 pounds at the beginning of high school. Now after two years and in college I'm almost 160 pounds(6 ft 3 inch). I try to eat a ton too. its pretty scary actually for your ribs to be visible all the time . I barely sleep, go to college, have two jobs but I think its the last chance before I get any more addicted. I'm already far above the dose I told myself I would never be at. I'm sick of slowly dying. Maybe I'll keep you updated if. I'm starting today.

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You can do it. I once told myself I could never quit because I believed my world would fall apart if I did.  and then it DIDNT, I felt stronger and healthier everyday, I am 6 months clean so I still have a long journey ahead of me.


Please visit this site often; it really helps to connect with others who can relate to you. 


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You have to tell everyone and get rid of your sources.  Make it impossible for you to get more.  You know that you can't be trusted with Adderall.  I can't buy icecream, because I know that I will eat the entire container.  It is not your fault...Adderall is a bitch of a drug to quit.  Give yourself the best chance by outing yourself as an addict and cutting off supply.  Stay close and you can do this!!

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I very recently just quit my 6 year 45 mg a day adderall perscription. I documented all my experiences on my blog on Wordpress, and have posted daily but I started from tapering and then after tapering off half of my dose I quit cold turkey. I am on day 19 completely off of mine. It is really hard but what motivates me is how much better I am going to feel in the long run. If you need any advice or want to see my blog just Lmk. :) you can do it :)

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