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Daily headaches. Common withdrawal symptom?


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Hi everyone! This is my first post. So I quit adderall cold turkey about 2 months ago. At the time I was taking 30mg a day. My doses have went up and down over the years but basically I have been consistently on the drug for 7 years straight up until 2 months ago. My question is... I've had a headache usually every day ever since and even occasionally before I quit. I got my wisdom teeth pulled 2 weeks ago and since then my headaches have gotten worse and last from the time I wake up till I go to bed, and 3 times in the last week they've turned into migraines at night. My oral surgeon said headaches after surgery are common for people already "prone" to headaches. Anyway is this a normal symptom after stopping adderall? I just think 2 months is a long time for withdrawals. But idk what else it could be. I've seen a neurologist twice and had an MRI and still no answers. Nothing over the counter works. Can you suggest something I take prescription or not that will help? Thanks!

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I never had headaches after I quit.  Seems weird with that it happened around the same time, but you mentioned you started getting them before you quit.


Have you changed anything else?  Do you wear glasses or contacts?  I know I always get headaches whenever I get a new pair of glasses if my prescription changes because it takes time for my eyes to adjust.  Maybe check with your doctor or schedule a visit to get a checkup if they don't go away soon.


Hope you feel better!

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I used to get frequent headaches, but not as much after quitting. Headaches can stem from a number of things.

Are you drinking more or less caffeine since you quit? Caffeine can affect headaches.

Are you taking headache medicine (Tylenol, etc.) more than twice a week? If so you could be getting rebound headaches.

Foods can trigger headaches such as sugar, cheese, processed meats, alcohol.

Are you more sedentary since you quit adderall? Laying around a lot gives me neck and shoulder pain which leads to headaches.

Check your standing and sitting posture. Are you slouching?

Try to look at screens less, TV. phone, computer.

Hope you figure out the cause of the headaches.

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