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Day 3


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Hey everyone!

Thank you for sharing all of your success stories! I think my main reservation has been about the time until I can somewhat function in society... And this is really only because of the initial crash, and how it will effect me at my job...

But I think this is a perfect time, as I just finished finals for school and will have time to recover between now and then...

So... I took my last dose Sunday morning at 10:30 AM... I told my roommate what was happening and I think she will be a great support through this... Telling one person made me feel 100% better!

I have 5 days to go through every painful withdrawal symptom while I relinquish the chemical dependency... I am on day 3 and I'm fluctuating between sleep and actually walking around...

I work overnights on weekends, and I just hope to not get fired...

I will have a total of 28 days for my initial recovery, 6 of which I will be working and 1 day of school..

This is my plan for the first 4 weeks:

Week 1 Goal:

Get up and Mark 1 day off of my 30 day calendar...

Try to shower...

Week 2 Goal:

Try to go outside for 1 hour each day even if it just means sitting or laying in the grass...

Mark my calendar...

Walk if possible...

Shower if possible...

Week 3 Goal:

Walk 3 times during the week.

Try wash do laundry which is going to be a all-day event...

Week 4 Goal:

Walk 3 times a week, but go outside each day for at least a hour...

Try to hang out with friends/socialize...

Try to exert yourself once each day... Don't worry if you succeed... Just try...


5-HTP |

1-Ultra Pack Daily Vitamin | Spring Valley

- Vitamin A (5000 I.U.; 100% As Beta Carotene; 100% Daily Value),

- Vitamin C (1200 Mg; 2000% Daily Value),

- Vitamin D (200 I.U.; 50% Daily Value),

- Vitamin E (300 I.U.; 1000% Daily Value),

- Thiamin (Vitamin B1; 25 Mg; 16667% Daily Value),

- Riboflavin (Vitamin B2; 25 Mg; 1471% Daily Value)

- Niacin (25 Mg; 125% Daily Value)

- Vitamin B6 (25 Mg; 1250% Daily Value),

- Folic Acid (400 Mcg; 100% Daily Value),

- Vitamin B12 (25 Mcg; 417% Daily Value),

- Biotin (25 Mcg; 8% Daily Value),

- Pantothenic Acid (25 Mg; 250% Daily Value)

- Calcium (130 Mg; 13% Daily Value)

- Iron (4.1 Mg; 23% Daily Value)

- Phosphorus (100 Mg; 10% Daily Value)

- Iodine (112.5 Mcg; 75% Daily Value)

- Magnesium (50 Mg; 13% Daily Value)

- Zinc (12.5 Mg; 83% Daily Value)

- Selenium (12.5 Mcg; 18% Daily Value),

- Copper (1.5 Mg; 75% Daily Value),

- Manganese (1.5 Mg; 75% Daily Value),

- Chromium (625 Mcg; 521% Daily Value),

- Molybdenium (7.5 Mcg; 10% Daily Value),

L-Tyrosine | 500mg | 1x Day

Fish Oil | 1200 MG | 1x Day

Probiotic | 1x Day

Well I was hoping to post this earlier but it took until day three until I actually felt like I can focus on something for more then 15 seconds...

Day 1: I slept for 90% of the day... Not much to report...

Day 2: I slept for about half the day... But I woke up, took a shower... Washed a load of clothes... And then crashed... Later that night I went to the store... It was awfully painful, but I needed grocerys...

Day 3: I slept most of the day... But I got up, made lunch... And cleaned the dishes...

I actually had dreams when I slept... I can't remember the last time I had one while on Adderall... It's weird... The last time I quit I was on my ass for a month... I think having roommates has helped tremendously... In addition to taking the supplements has done miracles... I also think not having any left to fall back on helps...

It's weird being able to sit down and relax... I thought I could before... But my mind was never still...

Well that's all I can right for now I hope to check in soon!

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Thank you all for your encouraging words! Its surreal being off of it. I remember those days when I would skip a dose and end up staying in bed all day feeling as if I was dying... Now I can wake up, GET UP, and function without a dose and without feeling like death. Even though I am sleeping a ridiculous amount, I feel "Functional"... Though im not anywhere near the mental clarity I had before Adderall... Right now I feel that I can at-least make it throughout my day-to-day... 


Dear sweet Jesus my emotional mood swings are out of hand, but at least I feel something besides that of a stressed out project manager.... 


As for the dreaming, most of them have been nightmares, but I think part of it is the fact that I am new to dreams and things are still mellowing out...


I am excited... 


I am going to try to get out and walk though... I think that will really start to help with restoring my dopamine levels. 


The one thing I can't get over is that last time I quit, I felt like I was dying for months... I think the difference partly my mindset, but also having roommates... I became socially isolated after quitting last time, but I am starting to even out... 

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I really feel like the key in the first stage is to have very low expectations for yourself, and you seem to have that down.

Low expectations = less dissappointment, and any accomplishments are a huge victory.

I too have tried quitting when i lived by myself, and more recently when i was living with 3 roomates.

I can't quite grasp from your post what you are trying to say about the difference...you think its easier or harder having people around you?

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