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One Year and Seven Months - trying to be kind to myself


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Hi tantan,

Welcome to QuittingAdderall.  I have a lot in common with you.  I used it for almost ten years too, and smoked cigs for 30+ years.  I am also into yoga practice, gardening and I love my dog.  I used Lions Mane for focus well into my fourth year of recovery.  I still take fish oil, vitamins, and Redbull.  Straight to your question: "does anyone ever feel like their brain will never work to its fullest potential again?"


Yeah, I am concerned about that too.  My brain is not as sharp as it was when I was in grad school 25 years ago.  Is that because I spent a decade on Adderall? Or is it because my brain is 25 years older and it does not work as well as a young brain?  Most likely a combination of both plus some other factors I am not even aware of.  But my brain does work much better that it did before I quit stimulants.  I was losing executive function and memory at a rapid pace.  IN fact, my brain was not very functional and I was consumed with this awful addiction and hyper focused on maintaining my supply of pills while other things didn't matter.  My future was uncertain as a drug addict and I had this impending task of quitting ahead of me.  Going back to the pills will never be an option for me because I know the addiction would return with a vengeance and I simply can't afford to risk any greater mental decline than I have already experienced at my age.   

So the short answer to your question is that I feel like I have lost some brain power with age in years but I won't blame it on the Adderall.


I also had to come to terms with my sexuality after quitting.  In my case, I realized that I am asexual and that my lack of sexual attraction to others throughout my life was an orientation, not a choice.  I am still in the process of accepting that I may never have a lifetime partner because of my orientation. 


Motivation, mental focus and self confidence will return to you as you progress through your recovery.  Just keep your expectations real. and give it plenty of time.  It took me 2-3 years to feel like I was mostly recovered from this awful addiction,

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At 21 months clean, I am feeling much better than I did a year ago.  However, I am currently experiencing a slump in motivation.  I have lost over 20 pounds since January and I am just not in the mood to exercise.  I haven't had a real workout in 2 weeks.  I will get back to it, but right now I am a slug.  I haven't fallen off the healthy eating wagon, so I am still losing slowly.  I have 10 pounds to go before I am at my pre Adderall weight and 20 until I am at my ideal. 


Give yourself a break.  Non linear process...

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I just miss being high and loving work but then again I was on adderal plus oxy everyday it was great now life is so so fucking boring. Very little makes me happy and I look forward to very little however I have become obsessed with the MLB being from KC that's easy these days. I watch MLB network non stop listen to sports radio all the time never used to be like that not sure why off adderal I'm a sports nut now maybe because I don't wanna do much of anything myself.

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Congratulations!!!  I can totally relate with the way you used.  I did the same 20-40 mgs for 5 or 6 years, pack of cigs a day, drink @ 6pack every night, well and I'd smoke pot too.  It's a pretty big change getting off all that crap and so glad you are doing better!


Does brain function come back?  I wish I knew the answer to that question.  I feel like I have the same abilities now as I did prior to taking adderall.  I think I was depleted of dopamine for quite some time after i quit.  Just took a long time for the constant cravings to go away.  I feel recovered these days.  


Glad you are doing so well and thanks for sharing!

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liltex, thank you for your kind words. i smoked a lot of pot white i was using adderall as well.  i actually used to have a nickname for myself... "speedweed"!!! LOL.


all jokes aside, i still do smoke pot and DUH im sure that is not helping with my brain function. it does help me with anxiety though and i am not quite ready to give it up. not sure if or when i ever will be, but i have def cut back and am working on it. i found that it really helped me through my withdrawal period and am glad i had access to it rather than other pills like xanax and klonopin that are usually given for anxiety. 


that being said, there is a good chance i would be far more productive without it.........

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