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Aniexty Overwhelming

Frank B

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Well almost made a week without posting on here but really need to share things with someone who understands where Im coming from. Ive been very open minded about everything suggested on here from exercise, dieting and a drawer full of supplement which none seem to help. I dont mean to say the exercise and diets or not worth doing I will continue that. The mound of supplements to me are no more or less effective then a placebo pill but if one works for you nothing wrong with that.


For the last week or more the weight of everything is overwhelming. I like to work but just not in my office I hate seeing the debt wondering how I can do this where my kids are going to school etc. I just freeze up my chest tightens I feel so so sad and hopeless and lay my head in front of my computer. I have no urge to use adderal but I feel the inability to reduce my anxiety is too much to bare on my own. My goal was not to seek out any medication for the anxiety and depression but with no luck in a herbal remedy and good old exercise and diet not enough  I must seek help its not fair to myself or children. I barely want to eat everyday I wake up just with a sense of dread. I look forward to very little my children are the only things that make me even want to be alive. Sorry this is another depressing post I want to be happy I want to feel pride in quitting two major narcotics but I just cant. I don't know what my doctor will suggest but know Prozac wont be a option I will consider. Ive been on Wellbutin before but don't think that will help with the anxiety plus it makes my appetite less. I don't know if anyone has the same symptoms and found something that helps if so let me know. I understand no pill will make me wake up and view life like say Spongebob but I just need a little help.

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I think it sounds like you need more of a life coach or therapist.  Maybe someone who can help you find answers to the life problems you are having.  Those are serious issues and it's totally understandable why you are feeling that way.  I think if you can find ways to keep tackling the issues head on one by one, you'll feel better.  No pill is going take solve the issues you are having. I mean they will make you not care about them as much, but to me it just sounds like you could use some outside help coming up with an action plan for everything.  Just a thought.

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I think it sounds like you need more of a life coach or therapist. Maybe someone who can help you find answers to the life problems you are having. Those are serious issues and it's totally understandable why you are feeling that way. I think if you can find ways to keep tackling the issues head on one by one, you'll feel better. No pill is going take solve the issues you are having. I mean they will make you not care about them as much, but to me it just sounds like you could use some outside help coming up with an action plan for everything. Just a thought.

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That stinks.  I didn't think about the cost.  That was a dumb idea.


What about just getting all your problems out on paper and then maybe trying to come up with a strategy one by one? Break them apart into smaller manageable pieces and find some sort of action step for each.  If debt is an issue, you could take action by checking out Dave Ramsey and seeing what he suggests.  Here's a quick link.  http://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps/?snid=start.steps.  Maybe just get an outline going of figuring out what's wrong and what needs to be addressed might help you feel less overwhelmed.  Just figure out what is causing you the stress and then take action on it.  Actually, is it a combination of stress and depression?  Why do feel hopeless?  Is it because you miss the adderall euphoria?  What were you like before you got on adderall?  Were you anywhere near the same way?  If not, it sounds like you are going through PAWS.

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I have no respect for Dave Ramsey he locally solicits a very shady and corrupt car lot buisness. I know he is not local and probbably has no clue but then again he obviously doesn't care and will push anything for a buck so his advice can be little more then hidden solicitations for his own gain. I don't miss the adderall euphoria I've always been depressed since a kid now it's just amplified. I know people push staying off all meds on here but I need help I can't just let everything crumble because my anxiety has taken over. I'm starting a small dose of Zoloft to help me through these times if that makes me a quitter so be it rather try something then accomplish nothing while doing everything else your supposed to do diet exsersize etc. I'm so depressed my ability to make simple decisisions right now is near gone that's not me I can't keep on like this. I appreciate your advice and wish I could keep on the higher road of being totally free of prescriptions but I can't at this point.

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I have never read anything on that guy, but I just know he helps people get out of debt.  I wish I could be of more help to you. :(


I took anti depressants for the first 4-5 months after I quit.  It seems like you are at a place where they definitely might be helpful. No need to feel bad about it!!!  You just gotta do whatever works best for you.  There is no one exact road to getting better.  Thank you for continuing to share with us.  We're rooting for you!

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Thanks for the encouragement.

I used to listen to Ramsey and thought he was great guy helping people out. But for him to steer people in the wrong direction for a poor purchase it just made me despise him. The place sells very high mile luxury crap cars one of those we finance everyone deals then the car breaks down after a month and your screwed. How anyone who presents themselves as a real mentor to people in debt could do that beyond me.

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My anxiety has been so much worse since I quit. I've always had general anxiety and panic disorder, but all of my symptoms have worsened.

What has helped me is going to church, but I understand if that's not your thing. And even with God's help I still struggle... I take some Benadryl when it's really bad, especially to fall asleep some nights.

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I never really had bad anxiety in my past feel this is possibly a chemical imbalance from the years of adderal abuse. Tried to battle this without any medication for months but felt for my well being I had to seek some help. It was the last thing I wanted to do believe me. It's now been a couple days on a new medication feel like it's starting to help. I was not looking for a adderal replacement and don't feel everyone who quits should seek out a antidepressant. It's just something I personally had to try. Church or any spiritual route is a good place to start to get your mind right I do it myself.

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Yes they say a couple weeks. But the side affects were so bad I could not go on. Lack of sleep even less appetite then before. I could not eat anything a feeling of paranoia which far worse then anxiety. Feeling suicidal just really horrible. My doctor said try to stick it out but I could tell it was not for me. On the bright side not feeling that horrible has made me feel better now that I stopped taking it.

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I feel so much better tonight, I guess the antianxiety medication route works. It works because it makes you feel so freaking horrible that you want nothing more then that feeling to stop. So I guess if your having bad anxiety get on a medication that amplifies that anxiety x100 then get off that medication and you feel better? How this crap is given out beyond me it's really scary when you know they use this stuff for ptsd and you see so many soldiers taking their lives I'd point right back to these drugs I've done Prozac and now Zoloft both gave me the worst feelings in my life like a bad acid trip or something. Hopefully now I can get my shit right.

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Hey Frank,


Just wanted to reach out and let you know you're not alone in this struggle.  The exact experiences of anxiety and depression are different for everyone, but they're really common with people quitting adderall.  I don't know if anxiety and depression lead people to want (or think they need) adderall, or if it's vice-versa, or both, but I think it might be both. 


I think it's awesome you're doing this without meds.  This will get you to the root source of the issue(s) faster.    The most common suggestions tend to be therapy, meditation, exercise, and diet.  There is truth to this, but I won't dwell on it.  I find that diaphragmatic breathing is useful too.  It's something I've been working on lately.


As a long-term anxiety sufferer, I find that my anxiety, depression, and sleep all fluctuate over the course of any given month or year.  Life changes and so do my mind and mood.  You might be going through a phase when stress/anxiety levels are especially high right now, especially if you're going through early stage quitting and financial stuff.   Just know that as you work through this, you WILL get beyond it. 


Talking it out or writing about it (like by posting here) helps too.  Getting out and interacting with people rather than staying in helps me to get out of my head.  The more productive I am, the less anxious (in general.)  But then when the anxiety gets debilitating and unproductive, it becomes a vicious cycle.


Ultimately, with things that I need to get done, the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night like work and money, I have to just tackle in order to resolve the anxiety.  Taking steps towards resolving issues seems to be the only solution sometimes.


Hang in there, focus on your long-term goals and the things that matter most to you, like your kids.   It sounds like you're on the right track, and you might never be in such a dark place again as long as you stay quit. In hindsight, early stage quitting adderall really is one of the hardest things to get through from an anxiety and depression perspective. 

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