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Video on Brain Reward


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Hi all,


Found a good video just now explaining the process of addiction in the brain.  Video shows effects of cocaine and methamphetamine.  I looked it up and amphetamines do the same thing as methamphetamine in how it hijacks the natural process of pleasure/reward seeking in the brain.


I think everyone needs to watch this, especially if you are just getting clean.  Do not beat yourself up if you feel down in the dumps and like crap for the first year off this drug.  As you can see in this video, adderall screws up the natural way in which are brain produces dopamine by flooding the synapse with excess dopamine and preventing reabsorption of dopamine back into the presynaptic terminal.  I did not understand this process until just now and thought I should share it in case others of you were not aware.  This is good to know as to what adderall is actually doing to our brains and it makes perfect sense as to why we feel awful when trying to get off of it in the beginning.  I still can't believe they prescribe this crap to us like cotton candy.  Makes me sick.  Anyhow, through my own experience I can tell you eventually the brain gets rewired after you are clean long enough.  You will find pleasure again in the simple things in life.  Just don't be so hard on yourself if you're not there yet.  It is a S-L-O-W process.  And for me it was only after just even having clarity at times when I'd suddenly realize, "Wow, I haven't even thought about wanting adderall for months now. Holy shit.  Sweet."




Also, it's kind of funny, but I looked up ways to increase dopamine and found this article on wikipedia.  http://www.wikihow.com/Increase-Dopamine 


Funny how it mentions you can get on ADHD meds, but then it gives a warning at the very end and says:


Many opioids, methamphetamine and other illegal drugs can increase dopamine release. However, these drugs come with a marked risk for addiction, cause a loss of dopamine by releasing more than is produced, and they can disrupt the way that your body naturally produces dopamine. You can end up feeling depleted, hungry, depressed and even suicidal after taking opioids or meth. You're disrupting your chemical balance--it's like giving yourself a mental illness. So don't do it. [11]


Anyhow, I just wanted to post all of this so that you all can stop beating yourself up if you have been about not seeing magic rays of sunshine and rainbows in early recovery.  Just know you are not weak and there is nothing wrong with you other than you took a drug that screwed up your natural brain's wiring.  Time will reverse the damage and you can function again normally, but it's going to take some time to get back to that. 


Also, I've been feeling really great living off my plant based diet.  I've been trying a lot of nutritional supplements like maca powder, camu camu, and other stuff that has been great. I can't stress enough the importance of plant foods. If you can try to incorporate as many of them as possible in your diet, I think you'll start feeling remarkably better and have lots more energy.  Eat the rainbow of fruits and veggies and try to stay away from all the processed and refined crap.  It makes a world of difference.


Cheers to your recovery wherever you may be upon your journey.  I am with you in spirit and sending positive energy your way!  :)

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Many opioids, methamphetamine and other illegal drugs can increase dopamine release. However, these drugs come with a marked risk for addiction, cause a loss of dopamine by releasing more than is produced, and they can disrupt the way that your body naturally produces dopamine. You can end up feeling depleted, hungry, depressed and even suicidal after taking opioids or meth. You're disrupting your chemical balance--it's like giving yourself a mental illness. So don't do it.



This is chillingly accurate.


Thanks for sharing!

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