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  On 1/22/2011 at 5:53 AM, Mike said:

Hooray for the Varsity and stupid amounts of traffic on 285 and 75! If anybody's near Atlanta and wants to meetup, just reply to this thread or send me a PM. I'd love to meet you!

I would be THRILLED to meet you. I live in Texas but I have a great schedule and can fly anywhere I want. May sound crazy but your website blew me away. I need to talk to somebody face to face than understands. If I go to a psychiatrist and tell him the truth....my license would be pulled. If i even have a diagnosis of depression, I have to explain it to the Texas medical board.

I would love to take some girls for a girls trip maybe this summer and if you are available for lunch it would be such a blessing.

You are changing lives....I hope you wake up smiling everyday.

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Hey thanks, Ashlee!

Look, if you want to fly out here, I'll certainly do lunch, dinner, and whatever else you want. In the mean time though, you should check out the other two people in Texas (jp4revolt in Dallas and liltexan79 in Houston).

You guys should all get together. liltexan79 is also Erin from the comment threads on the blog --- my first-ever commenter and the most senior member of this site.

You should definitely meet somebody face-to-face if you get the chance. I've met a couple people from this site over the years and it's obscenely therapeutic just hanging out with somebody who shares that part of you (because that part implies so many other commonalities). We are all much more kindred than I ever expected.

It's probably the same instant kinship that people in NA and AA feel, except the things we have in common are good things instead of destructive things.

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I live in Alpharetta, Georgia, 30 minutes north of Atlanta. I have been addicted to Adderall for 10 years. Adderall has literally ruined my life in every single aspect. It has cost me my marriage, my relationship with my children, my friends, and countless jobs. I have not taken it in almost a year, however, I am craving it badly. I can't even pass the pharmacy in Target without thinking about it. It's still killing me and I have not taken it in almost a year.

I don't feel that I will ever be free. I don't know what to do and feel like I am losing hope in everything. If anyone is listening, Thanks for listening.

Stephen Kyle

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Unfortunately, addictions tend to always be with us.  It does get easier with time but the cravings can still remain.  We tend to romanticize our time on the drug, but adderall is a liar.  What do you think you miss about it?  I can almost guarantee that if you are truly honest with yourself the answer to the question is a lie.

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  • 7 months later...

Months away from 2 years without Adderall. I still think about it every single day. I guess I'll be an Adderall addict for the rest of my days. The only way I was able to quit was to tell my doctor with my now ex-wife sitting next to me with her foot in my ass. After that I was buying it from college students, 1 of which moved away and the other I told to never accept my call again. I still want it so bad and still can't pass a pharmacy without thinking about it. I'm off of it for almost 2 years and it has been the hardest thing I've ever endured in my life.

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