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Join new ADHD drug class action suit - your medical history will not be disclosed


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ATTN: All those who hate the pharmaceutical industry and feel they would never have started using ADHD medications if they'd been properly informed of their harm (my law firm McEldrewYoung will talk to you and get your consent and verify my words before you officially join) ,

I have never used ADHD drugs myself, but lost my fiancee to Adderall addiction three years ago. Since then I've been researching the vested interests who have caused these controlled substances to be recommended as supposedly "safe" and "beneficial" for even toddlers. This continued to bother my conscience for 3 years day and night, during which I've conducted extensive research. The facts I've compiled (including personal communications with the FDA and Health Canada who have admitted to the alleged misrepresentation) have convinced a large law firm (MCELDREW YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW) to start a class action lawsuit on contingency, alleging the violation of the public's right to informed consent about Adderall, Vyvanse and Daytrana, Strattera, Concerta, Ritalin or Focalin. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED TO SUCCEED AT GETTING THESE HARMFUL MEDICATIONS OFF THE MARKET, please keep reading.this about what you can do to help.   

I'll be an expert witness in this lawsuit, and to guarantee its success, we are looking for principle plaintiffs (also called class representatives) who are trusted members of this forum who want these drugs recalled as badly as i do, who would do everything humanly possible to represent the best interest of every other class member (possibly thousands of damaged parties who can document side effects such as depression, heart disease, etc. including documentable addiction/abuse). These principle class representatives will get a larger compensation (can be up to $30, 000 more than everyone else), their names will be publicly disclosed but not any information from their medical records (the rest of the class members will neither have their names nor damages publicly disclosed).

I have read about class action suits whose class representatives were paid-off to agree to settle for almost nothing with a non-disclosure agreement preventing the press from hearing anything. I have also read about class representatives who have agreed to settle for a huge sum for the law firm and negligible amounts for the injured plaintiffs themselves. This is why I don't want to take chances with just anyone the law firm may assign, but want trusted members of this forum who will promise here that they will not let any such thing happen to this lawsuit. You can read more about the responsibilities of class representatives here: https://library.nclc.org/class/010901-0  So if you'd like to do this, I hope you are as outraged as me me to have been a victim of pharmaceutical fraud, wanting as much as me to end it. Again, I'll be asking these people to promise here to do everything they can to negotiate a huge settlement from the drug manufacturers or let the case go to trial if the drug companies refuse to comply, never signing a non-disclosure agreement and allowing us to create a huge public stink about this fraud ruining millions of innocent lives each year.  

To see if you qualify to represent this class, please read the top part of this questionnaire: http://adhddrugslongterm.com/class-action-lawsuit/ and then fill it out if you wish to participate (will only take 5 minutes to complete, my law firm McEldrewYoung will talk to you and get your consent and verify my words before you officially join). Then my law firm will get back to you. When the law firm contacts you, I may get compensated for my 3 years of hard work if you'd kindly let them know that this essay (http://adhddrugslongterm.com/Misrepresentation_of_ADHD.pdf) helped you realize the full extent to which ADHD drugs have been misrepresented as "safe" and "beneficial" (you don't have to read all of this, but please keep reading until you see how badly you all have been defrauded by the pharmaceutical industry -- trust me, you will end up as furious as I am before you finish the first page or two, you can verify every statement instantly with clickable references). My law firm may also ask you when was the first time that you realized  that your right to informed consent was violated. People who realized this sometime in the past may not qualify to participate as the lawsuit has a statute of limitations for 2 years. But the statue of limitations starts now for all those who have realized that their informed consent was violated after reading the facts I've presented to them: http://adhddrugslongterm.com/Misrepresentation_of_ADHD.pdf.  

Thanks again for your much appreciated contributions to help prevent future generations from falling prey to increase drug company profits.  

Asli Theobald, M.S., Information Systems Analyst 


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Your share of the compensation could be HUGE, this is 100% legitimate and real, you can contact my law firm directly if you wish (ask McEldrewsYoung for attorney Ian Bryson - 215-545-8800), but if you go through me, the firm will not be able to stiff me without compensating or with an unfair compensation for my 3-year-long hard work (I've made the mistake of providing them with all my work). My friends say they may make millions for themselves with my materials if i don't refer good clients. But even if this happens, I'll be glad to help prevent hopefully less people from going through what you are going through. Please see the accomplishments of this law form and what they've accomplished for others like you: https://www.mceldrewyoung.com/victories/ Thanks again. 

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Come on guys, we need more people! Please help me destroy Shire, Novartis, Eli Lilly and Janssen (we are suing all four). Again, my law firm McEldrewYoung will talk to you and get your consent and verify my words before you officially join, your medical information will remain confidential or you can sue me too (lol): http://adhddrugslongterm.com/class-action-lawsuit/     

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