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Confession: still dating girl on Adderall


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I have been seeing this girl on Adderall for several weeks now and I haven’t ended it yet. I have been staying at her place on the weekends and we rarely go anywhere. I helped her reorganize her wardrobe for summer and man it was something else. She literally tried on every single item of clothing to get my opinion whether to keep or donate it. She had hundreds of items and many of them were very similar to each other. It took almost 4 hours! The whole time I kept thinking this was such an Adderall fueled activity and I was fascinated watching her behavior.

anyway, we went to dinner afterwards and I brought up Adderall and she just defended it vehemently to the point of getting loud so I just dropped it. At this point I am sure it won’t work but I haven’t told her yet. I wish there was something I could do or say to get her to want to quit, then I could help her, but as others have already stated, it has to be fought from within and only if someone decides for themselves to quit, will they have a good chance of success.

The good news is I haven’t had any desire to get back in Adderall when I see how it is affecting her. The bad news is I see how it’s affecting her and I can’t convince her to quit or even try. Ugh this sucks.


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yea- it's unfortunate but most people who use consistently won't come across a reason to quit until it stops working for them or affects their health enough to scare them.

my girlfriend was an on and off user for a long time, and one of the things about dating someone who uses is that you start questioning every aspect of their behavior. did she not call me back cause of adderall? does she sleep till 2PM on the weekends cause of adderall? so on and so forth. she told me recently that she hasn't taken it in over half a year, so i don't think about it so much anymore, but i can only imagine how crazy it would drive me if i knew she was on it every day.

it's good that you realize this won't work out, but you can't help the way you feel. for us though, there is still the increased exposure to adderall risk to always keep in mind. i thought that i was completely immune to it. but strangely just the other day, when she was in the shower, this thought crept into my mind that she has months of unused adderall prescriptions sitting in a box in the other room. i know exactly where they are. i thought "maybe i can just pocket a few, it won't be like filling a script."  i actually stood in the doorway of the room, locked in an internal struggle with myself.

thankfully, i came to my senses when i realized that it wasn't me that wanted the pills- it was the addict. i'm not that guy anymore.

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  On 5/21/2018 at 1:50 PM, sleepystupid said:

yea- it's unfortunate but most people who use consistently won't come across a reason to quit until it stops working for them or affects their health enough to scare them.

my girlfriend was an on and off user for a long time, and one of the things about dating someone who uses is that you start questioning every aspect of their behavior. did she not call me back cause of adderall? does she sleep till 2PM on the weekends cause of adderall? so on and so forth. she told me recently that she hasn't taken it in over half a year, so i don't think about it so much anymore, but i can only imagine how crazy it would drive me if i knew she was on it every day.

it's good that you realize this won't work out, but you can't help the way you feel. for us though, there is still the increased exposure to adderall risk to always keep in mind. i thought that i was completely immune to it. but strangely just the other day, when she was in the shower, this thought crept into my mind that she has months of unused adderall prescriptions sitting in a box in the other room. i know exactly where they are. i thought "maybe i can just pocket a few, it won't be like filling a script."  i actually stood in the doorway of the room, locked in an internal struggle with myself.

thankfully, i came to my senses when i realized that it wasn't me that wanted the pills- it was the addict. i'm not that guy anymore.


Some very good points, yes, I always think that everything she does is Adderall affected. How she shops online and organizes her closet. How she has a million printouts with charts and spreadsheets for her “work”, how she is never hungry, how she is always focused on her stuff and never asking about what I’ve been up to. She is a slave to Adderall.

I also had the thoughts of grabbing one of her addys but it was a fleeting and horrific thought as I could see her pull bottles placed all over her room. There was a drawer in her bathroom filled with all kinds of bottles, Adderall, vyvanse, benzos, pain  pills for sleep. It is the saddest thing but she is basically a functioning druggy. I just need to work up the energy and strength to end it.

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  On 5/21/2018 at 6:00 PM, Danquit said:

There was a drawer in her bathroom filled with all kinds of bottles, Adderall, vyvanse, benzos, pain  pills for sleep. It is the saddest thing but she is basically a functioning druggy. I just need to work up the energy and strength to end it.


i'm sorry to hear this. i think the best thing for now would be to end it, but tell her that you'll be there for her when she realizes she has a problem.


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  On 5/27/2018 at 7:00 AM, Frank B said:

My sons mom who lives with me got a new script couple weeks ago. I tossed that shit right in the toilet told her you bring that shit in here again I’m kicking u out on the street. You continue date this girl your putting yourself at risk my situation is a little different believe me if we didn’t have a kid together she wouldn’t be here but while she is I do not allow that crap in my house.

Btw how the fuck can u spend 4hrs rearranging a woman’s wardrobe off adderall? Actually come to think about it even on addy don’t think I could make myself do that. She must have some voodoo punany be careful with this one. 



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