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Considering Wellbutrin


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Advice needed.


I’ve been on Vyvanse for about 5 years and badly want to quit.  My biggest obstacle is that I can’t bear the withdrawal—the lack of motivation and focus and fatigue.  There is also some depression and anxiety, which is exacerbated by my inability to perform my job well.  I often think I actually need stimulants, but I’m damn sick of them.  I want off.  But I have to continue to function at a decent level.  


For these reasons I am considering asking my doctor for Wellbutrin to take once I transition off the Vyvanse.  I would like to go completely cold turkey, but just being realistic, I know that I need some help; otherwise I will just go back to the Vyvanse.   A mild antidepressant sounds much better than tweaking on Vyvanse and then crashing.  


I am somewhat nervous about asking my doctor for Wellbutrin.  When I see him every few months, I tell him that the Vyvanse is working great—even though it hasn’t been.  Now, all of a sudden, I want to immediately quit and begin an antidepressant?  Not looking forward to this conversation.  Any advice here regarding Wellbutrin?

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Welcome to the forum! You are in the right place with a good plan. I could be stretching the truth a bit however I believe Vyvanse will be slightly easier to quit than adderall only because of it's a smoother release and not so much of the instant high that adderall gives us at least early on. 

Many here have used Wellbutrin in the early phases of quitting. I would say perhaps ask to switch and maybe decide whether you actually take it once you see how you feel. I went about a month before getting a doctor to prescribe it for me however that is because I was feeling like crap and it took a few weeks just to get an appointment. For me it helped a little however it triggered some anxiety and made me shaky at full dose.

Tapering is another good way to start. Vyvanse will be harder to do this accurately as with capsules you will basically have to open some and pour a percentage of the contents out. Beyond that Tyrosine is a common suggestion, exercise 3-5 days a week for at least 30min no matter how lousy you feel and eat healthy. Hydrate, sleep also... It's a miserable process however beyond worth it!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I asked my doctor about anxiety medications while still prescribed adderall (anxiety was mostly caused by the adderal). And he prescribed me Wellbutrin. Apparently it takes time to build up and actually see results, but I literally did not notice any difference or improvement. It actually made me pretty nauseous. Not sure the the Wellbutrin or the Adderall is to blame though. 

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