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Relapse after 1.5 years clean


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UGH. 2 days clean now after a 6 month relapse. I'm elated socially but miserable otherwise. My job (which I do really love) feels like a chore. I just want to go home and chain smoke until I fall asleep. I feel like a useless puddle. I know I can do this - I did do this. When I got sober, I was unemployed and just went to meetings all the time. Now, because of sobriety, I have a high-pressure job and school...the pressures got to be too much and I caved. I'm exhausted. Using is not an option anymore. I forgot how hellish early recovery is. Please send good vibes :excl2:


edit: just fell asleep at my desk. dead.

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Hi Sleepy.  Sending you LOTS of good vibes. (((hugs))))  As much as I hated I coming back here to admit I relapsed, I am just so happy to have so many of you still around. What I love about Smart Recovery is that they never say you are back to day 1.  I have decided I am simply starting back to where I left off from a lifetime of on/off sobriety.  I counted all mine up from the time I was 18 because it seemed kind of silly starting from 14 and came up with 7 years and 5 months.  This was pretty helpful because it made me realize I spent about 14.5 years drinking/using.  That was a comforting thought because it made me realize that my brain is 2x as wired for drugs/alcohol as it is for sobriety if that makes sense.  I think until I have spent more of my adult life sober than using, then maybe it won't be such a struggle.

Anyhow, hope you get grounded back in your recovery again quickly. Feel free to message me if you need to chat!  Glad you came back to the site. :) 

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