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Motivation_Follows_ActionHey stop beating your self up I want to slap you girl but I never hit a girlfriend the vote is in the stress of that fucken interview got the best out of you the important thing here is your back on the right track for your recovery as long as your stash is cone you will not have the temptation you have beaten yourself up enough jest move on we forgive you for taking a fucken pill so forgive yourself now.

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Mikey D

Welcome to the forum 10 days that’s cool bro. I hope you got rid of your stash its really the best way not to be tempted to use adderall Reid all the shit you can on the web site lots of good information and some really good people that will support you in your recovery.

Your new friend FALCON

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Day 39. Its weird to even see that,I remember crying on the phone with the pharmacist who told me he was proud of me for owning my problem...and he wished me all the best. Bout 3 days before Christmas ....who wants to embark on the quit during the most hardcore"happy" holiday on the calendar! !!! But it was time....this was the second big run for me...mine last years and are fueled by doses that shoulda put a girl my size in the ground a long time ago. I am far from feeling all good and back to normal without it,but it will come. I'm not lying,stealing breaking the law,or trying to convince myself that I believe the fucked up shit that addies try and tell you....that its cool,that you need it,but you can quit anytime, that your good at your hustle, that you should be proud that you can cop a script for em from even your gynocologist,that people can't tell...that it's actually helping you. ...oh the lies,lies,lies...relentless. I can go to bed at night knowing that even if I didn't do much that day...I did the day honestly...I can be there to help a friend,pick my son up and dust him off when he falls down,feel like more than a walking carcass empty of everything. I know no limits when it comes to adderall...I have never found that with any other anything I'm my life. It's a reflex to pull back when on the edge of complete destruction...not with adderall. I have given up the race to keep up with it. I will never win...I accept defeat in the fight against it....but it can't defeat what I have worked fuckin hard to acquire....a life without it.

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  On 1/29/2013 at 3:26 AM, Heather67 said:

Day 39. Its weird to even see that,I remember crying on the phone with the pharmacist who told me he was proud of me for owning my problem...and he wished me all the best. Bout 3 days before Christmas ....who wants to embark on the quit during the most hardcore"happy" holiday on the calendar! !!! But it was time....this was the second big run for me...mine last years and are fueled by doses that shoulda put a girl my size in the ground a long time ago. I am far from feeling all good and back to normal without it,but it will come. I'm not lying,stealing breaking the law,or trying to convince myself that I believe the fucked up shit that addies try and tell you....that its cool,that you need it,but you can quit anytime, that your good at your hustle, that you should be proud that you can cop a script for em from even your gynocologist,that people can't tell...that it's actually helping you. ...oh the lies,lies,lies...relentless. I can go to bed at night knowing that even if I didn't do much that day...I did the day honestly...I can be there to help a friend,pick my son up and dust him off when he falls down,feel like more than a walking carcass empty of everything. I know no limits when it comes to adderall...I have never found that with any other anything I'm my life. It's a reflex to pull back when on the edge of complete destruction...not with adderall. I have given up the race to keep up with it. I will never win...I accept defeat in the fight against it....but it can't defeat what I have worked fuckin hard to acquire....a life without it.

neversaynever. I was just curious after so much clean time was it easy to relapse? was it an impulse thing. i know you had something like three years..

I am so glad you're free from the hustle of getting pills. keep it up.

congratulations to everyone above for the clean time. every clean day is a good day.

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  On 1/29/2013 at 3:26 AM, Heather67 said:
I am far from feeling all good and back to normal without it,but it will come. I'm not lying,stealing breaking the law,or trying to convince myself that I believe the fucked up shit that addies try and tell you....that its cool,that you need it,but you can quit anytime, that your good at your hustle, that you should be proud that you can cop a script for em from even your gynocologist,that people can't tell...that it's actually helping you. ...oh the lies,lies,lies...relentless. I can go to bed at night knowing that even if I didn't do much that day...I did the day honestly...

Well I for one am very proud of you - 39 days - so f#@kin encouraging! I will try to keep that in mind about doing the day with honesty when I'm not getting very much done - which unfortunately is like every day these days...

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  On 1/27/2013 at 11:12 PM, Kyle_Chaos said:

I relapsed recently, but before that I hadn't taken it since September..

Sadly, the relapse, counts..so almost two months :(

Relapse is a tricky thing. Don't know if you like rap, but the song "Starting Over" by Macklemore was really inspiring to me and helped me chose to overcome my relapse and try again. Check it out :)
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  On 1/29/2013 at 4:12 AM, ashley6 said:

In 2 days I will have 10 months. Wow, it's been a journey, and I NEVER EVER thought I'd be here. If I can do it, so can all of you. So proud of all of you guys for taking the leap!

Ashley,applause.gifapplause.gifapplause.gif and to everyone who posts on this thread, and I think everyone should.applause.gifapplause.gifapplause.gif

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  On 1/29/2013 at 3:48 AM, InRecovery said:

neversaynever. I was just curious after so much clean time was it easy to relapse? was it an impulse thing. i know you had something like three years..

I am so glad you're free from the hustle of getting pills. keep it up.

hmmm...that's a good question inrecovery...I guess it was as impulsive as we can be having to get an appt...wait a bit and go and obtain the script ...strangely kids are a trigger...they require so much extra everything...and i was already doing double duty due to my husband's heroin usage....I was left behind many times while he drove 2 hours each way and a few more to hang out with the people he did it with....so these were 7 or so hour trips....I could not handle it anymore...those were some viscious painful times...I wanted to stay busy and take the edge of the mental pain...when I got the script filled...I opened it and stared into that bottle...and said I can't believe I'm Fucking doing this...I cried all the way home ...took a few more...and it took me where I knew it would....almost where I had left off. But I wanted to remove myself from pain I could not stop...things are different today...but that is a very tragic part off my life. I but I don't want to ever forget it.

congratulations to everyone above for the clean time. every clean day is a good day.

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  On 1/29/2013 at 5:03 AM, Heather67 said:

[/size] hmmm...that's a good question inrecovery...I guess it was as impulsive as we can be having to get an appt...wait a bit and go and obtain the script ...strangely kids are a trigger...they require so much extra everything...and i was already doing double duty due to my husband's heroin usage....I was left behind many times while he drove 2 hours each way and a few more to hang out with the people he did it with....so these were 7 or so hour trips....I could not handle it anymore...those were some viscious painful times...I wanted to stay busy and take the edge of the mental pain...when I got the script filled...I opened it and stared into that bottle...and said I can't believe I'm Fucking doing this...I cried all the way home ...took a few more...and it took me where I knew it would....almost where I had left off. But I wanted to remove myself from pain I could not stop...things are different today...but that is a very tragic part off my life. I but I don't want to ever forget it.

congratulations to everyone above for the clean time. every clean day is a good day.

what a story. so glad you are back to health and sanity!!

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  On 1/29/2013 at 6:01 AM, Heather67 said:

Why is it so easy for everyone to do that shit but me!!!!! LOL. Technologically retarded I am!!! Jesus!, thanks buddy!!!, :)

Heather, see that little box at the bottom of everyone's posts that says "quote"? (its on the far right, next to the "MultiQuote" button". All you have to do is hit that BEFORE you go to reply, and what will come up in your regular "reply" box is the text and a whole lot of programming language immeditately before and after the actual quoted text. It doesn't look any different, it won't appear in a fancy little box, it just will appear as text with some gobbledtechlanguage before and after it. Then all you need to do is move your cursor to the END of that text, after the bit that reads, "quote" and then your own writing will appear below the quote you want to refer to. Does that make sense?

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  On 1/29/2013 at 4:27 PM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

Heather, see that little box at the bottom of everyone's posts that says "quote"? (its on the far right, next to the "MultiQuote" button". All you have to do is hit that BEFORE you go to reply, and what will come up in your regular "reply" box is the text and a whole lot of programming language immeditately before and after the actual quoted text. It doesn't look any different, it won't appear in a fancy little box, it just will appear as text with some gobbledtechlanguage before and after it. Then all you need to do is move your cursor to the END of that text, after the bit that reads, "quote" and then your own writing will appear below the quote you want to refer to. Does that make sense?ummm...I think so..but this just looks like ima fuck it up again....LOL. here goes ....

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  On 1/29/2013 at 5:21 PM, Heather67 said:

What the fuck.....don't hate me cuz I'm stupid! ! I will master this with practice.....stop laughing!!! ;)

Ok try this again, tee hee . see at the end when you quote someone it says "quote"? Go to the END of that line, then hit return/enter twice or three times and then begin writing. Does that work?

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