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So I'm new to this forum, and am thinking about quitting adderall. Here's my story...

I was diagnosed with ADHD about 12 years ago, and have been taking Adderall for about 6 yrs. About a year and a half ago, I started feeling like the medication wasn't working as well as it had been (couldn't concentrate, forgetting, etc) but that if I took 50 mg instead of my prescribed 40 mg, I was fine. My doctor, however, was unwillingly to go over the 40 mg daily dosage. Sooooo, I went to another doctor to make up the difference. Although I knew this was not ok, I had NO idea if was a f#$ing felony. I honestly thought it was just a dick thing to do to your Dr. I have never sold, snorted, or gone over 50mg. Long story short, one of my Drs found out. Now neither will touch me, despite knowing that I have a diagnosis and me confessing my sins. I can understand this, I guess, but neither one has provided any direction regarding staying on, stopping, etc. One even said that she was sure I needed it for my ADHD, and that it would be a very bad idea for me to stop cold turkey, but..... I feel like I want to stop, just so I don't have to deal with this bs anymore, but I know that it controls my ADHD. I'm going back to school in two weeks, starting a new job in four days...I can't afford to be in bed vomiting for a week, then suffering a major depressive episode for X number of months. Do I contact another primary care physician, go to a psychiatrist? Try to quit on my own? Any advice would be beautiful...

ps. I have no insurance, and live in Arizona



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I don't have a lot of advice on your situation, but one less thing to stress about is that you won't be in bed vomiting. You don't get sick from stopping these pills, just extremely tired and hungry. I've never heard of anyone getting physically sick anyway. The one "good" thing about adderall is that you don't have any life-threatening or even dangerous withdrawal effects on a physical level as you would with others like benzodiazepines or pain pills....uncomfortable as hell, yes....dangerous...no.

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You don't even get the awful headache that comes with quitting caffeine. I was diagnosed with ADHD as well and have found natural long lasting ways to deal with it. Coping with my ADHD on my own has been much more beneficial than Adderall. If anything Adderall has made you more ADHD. It's a rough road ahead, but you should pursue it. It's a beautiful feeling when you can tackle anything you choose and don't have to rely on a stupid pill. If you learned to concentrate without medication you will never need it again!

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Hi Ele,

That is a hard situation. And with the school and especially starting a new job. Going by the date of your post I'm guessing you started the job now? Since it will be hard to cold turkey it while having a brand new job, maybe you can take none on the weekends and then every other day lessen the dose. That sucks about the dr. situation, it's frustrating how they can whip out the prescription so easily, but yet be very unwilling to actually listen and help you figure out a solution.

No worries (jk, it's hard NOT to worry), but the good thing is that you are here and thinking about quitting it because honestly that seems to be the only real solution. And one I'm still working on.

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It sounds like support is what you need to get through withdrawal. Do you have someone you can talk to that you can be open with? With no insurance, a primary care physician is cheaper than seeing a psychiatrist, but just know the laws with CII meds are very strict and a lot of docs are nervous about prescribing them.Maybe look into support groups for ADD/ADHD in your area, NA/AA meetings are free and you don't have to admit anything you are not comfortable with.You can sit in the corner, have a cup of joe, and be amazed by the collective group of people that come together over substance abuse...it is really interesting. Those groups can provide you with support and it's at least one hour that you won't have to worry about cravings and you can go to as many meetings per day as you want. I have a family history of depression, I stuff my problems because I am the strong one in my family (ha), then I use, then boom...I explode. I see a counselor once a week and go to meetings because I know I have been an addict in major denial, am one now, but trying hard to break the cycle of anger/depression.....for myself and for my kids so they may not have such a hard road...anyway, good luck to you.

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If you're not ready to quit yet or want to try weaning off, there is another option besides psychiatrist or primary doctor: psychiatric nurse practitioner. Mine was $50 without insurance, $20 with insurance for visits. She had a private practice and prescribed Adderall. Of course, quitting altogether is better, but like your post says, you are unsure, and being truly ready is a prerequisite to quitting for good.

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