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Hi Ashley, I can speak at length about antidepressants... I was prescribed Prozac way back when that was all the rage, after having my first panic attack at the age of 26. I remember feeling like it kind of numbed the senses... took away the high highs and the low lows. Didn't want to sit at home crying all day, but also felt no joy or laugher. I was on it for 3 years, gained a ton of weight, libido was in the toilet.

Then, about 8 years ago I was first prescribed Wellbutrin, actually it was an off-label prescription to stop smoking. It worked! I stopped smoking and gained zero weight, and never wanted to start again. Moreover, I found it had positive effects on my depression; I still felt human, but not quite so lethargic or demotivated as depression tends to make you feel. I've been on Wellbutrin it since then, with higher and lower doses depending on winter or summer (I have SAD too, lucky me!). When I quit adderall, Wellbutrin was a lifesaver. I think others have said the same thing.

As for benzos, I have tried Clonopin and Xanax. Clonopin just made me lathargic, but Xanax for me could have easily become a BIG problem if I'd let it... I loved the combination of adderall and xanax - feel up but not jittery - and eased the comedown from adderall big time. But I noticed I'd gone from .25gm every now and again to over 1mg a day within a month, and that scared me as I was already taking well over 60-80mg adderall a day, so I stopped before I got gripped with two addictions instead of one.

Honestly, I still miss the Xanax. I've told my doctor not to prescribe it to me any more because on top of the Wellbutrin and Ambien I don't want to be on any other medications; and I've heard that for those who are easily addicted, Benzos are bad news...

Just my two cents. What's your experience, Ashley? Why do you ask, are you considering going on/coming off these meds?

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Thanks for your input. I, too, have had my fair share of experience with some antidepressants. I waited three months after quitting to see if my levels would even out, but they didn't. I was in a bad place, so I got on Lexapro....that would've been about 5 months ago. It helps, but I had the worst anxiety/panic attacks this past weekend....debilitating. I went to the doctor today, and she thought a combination of Buspar and Lexapro could be helpful. I don't prefer to be on multiple medications, but I really want to feel stable mentally. I go to counseling once a week with an excellent therapist too. I thought a lot of these problems would subside when I quit adderall, but I guess I was just self-medicating, in a VERY unhealthy way.

It's interesting you brought up benzos. I'm on klonopin too....have been for 6 years or so. It's the only way I could have abused adderall like I did, because the comedown a were horrible. I also thought I'd be ready to give that up when quitting adderall too. I guess not. I don't enjoy it or crave it or anything like that, but I do think it's taking a toll on my memory, and I'm always tired!

My doctor is well-aware of my previous adderall addiction. I'm very upfront with her.

I think it was smart of you to get off of the benzos while you had control, because I've heard lots of horror stories on quitting the stuff. It won't be easy, but getting off klonopin is my goal in the near future. I've also tried Wellbutrin. I liked it for depression, but didn't touch my anxiety. It's unfortunate at 28 that I know this much about prescription medication. Sorry if I'm rambling. I guess I'm just looking to see if you have any advice on where to go from here. I think I'll give the Buspar a shot. What do you think?

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I don't see the harm in trying it and seeing if it helps you. I'd never heard of it before so I looked it up. It looks like it's marketed as a non-addictive alternative to benzos and causes drowsiness, so I'm guessing you would take this in place of the klonopin. What is the root of your anxiety? Have you tried yoga? Meditation? Breathing exercises? Acupuncture? Not just once or twice, but over the long term? Do you avoid caffeine?

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Thanks for the feedback! I wish I knew the root of my anxiety, but I don't. I remember convincing my mom to take me to the doctor when I was in like 3rd grade, because I thought I was dying. The doctors did EKGs, had a procedure with a tube down my throat to check my stomach, etc. All was fine, and I know now it was all anxiety-related, and it's just a battle I'll have to fight. I've never tried yoga, but I've heard wonderful things. I think it could be really helpful. I don't avoid caffeine. I've tried breathing exercises. I think...well, know I need to be more proactive and try some natural ways to combat the anxiety.

I would be taking the Buspar to try to get off of klonopin, yes. Benzos are not good long-term.

I'll keep you all posted...thanks again.

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Hey Ashley, have you read Monkey Mind? A friend of mine suffers anxiety and said it really helped. I also have a friend who's written a book about what happens in the brain when we're stressed; his name is Joshua Uhrlich if you want to google it.


I've just downloaded it and starting to read it now, it's a pretty easy read.

Go easy on yourself, and put your recovery as your main priority -- that's the advice you'd give (and have given) me!

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  • 7 months later...

Ashley, what ever happened with you and the Buspar? Or does anyone else have any experience with Buspar to relate?


I got a prescription for this yesterday when talking to my psychiatrist about my the whole anxiety/Klonopin issue. As in I've trying so hard to manage anxiety with exercise, supplements, etc., and trying to minimize the Klonopin usage. Because once I've taken enough Klonopin to knock out the anxiety, I'm lethargic. Then there's the whole benzo withdrawal issue to possibly have to deal with.


I've been trying to avoid pharmaceutical meds as much as possible, and hate the idea of trying another one but anxiety has been killing me lately. I've read some anecdotal stuff on other boards, a lot of which said Buspar did nothing, but it also sounds like it doesn't have same problems as benzos.

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I tried Buspar for like a week, and I personally hated it. I just felt really sick on it, so I quit. I can't attest to whether it works or not, since I quit so soon, but I, too, read about people not having a lot of success. My depression and anxiety have been awful. I don't like the idea of being medicated either, but I've tried to do what I know how myself, and it hasn't calmed me down. I started Wellbutrin along with my Lexapro and klonopin two days ago. I hate to be on 3 different medications, but I haven't been functioning in life.

For all you newbies on here. I don't want to scare you and think that you'll all suffer from anxiety and depression. I'm 15 months clean, so I'm realizing these are the issues I was using adderall to mask, and it was a horrible decision. How long have you been off of adderall? I really hope you start feeling some relief. I will keep you posted.

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Been off the Adderall and Vyvanse since October. But was on Wellbutrin/Prozac/Provigil/Abilify until the end of March.The Provigil I started October to 'replace' the Adderall for sleep apnea issues,etc.  Klonopin the whole time. At the time I got off the Wellbutrin/Prozac/Provigil/Abilify I was just so sick of pharmaceutical meds. Like I felt like I was getting all the negative side effects but not the benefits. I just wanted to REST my brain from all that.


Adding to my wanting to REST my brain, over the last 3 or so years I had tried other stuff like Zoloft, Paxil, Cymbalta and Pristiq with icky side effects, but no lift in the depression. BUT I WAS STILL on Adderall during that time. So maybe those things would have been better if there was no Adderall in the mix.


But a lot of people do really well on the Wellbutrin/Lexapro/Klonopin kind of combination. Hopefully that will give you some relief. And none of that stuff is as harsh or intense or habit-forming or personality-changing as Adderall.


And if this Buspar doesn't do anything, I will maybe try some SSRI or SNRI again. Maybe my brain has had a chance to rest. It takes what it takes, you know.


And as for not scaring newbies...don't let me scare you, either. Because I had a history with depression before Adderall.  I had serious depression/anxiety issues in high school and undergrad. After undergrad school I didn't have these issues for 10 or 12 years. But the depression/anxiety came back in full force about 6 months after I started taking Adderall in my late 30's. So I still blame it for either starting the bout of depression in the first place or making it last way longer than it would have otherwise.


So yep, keep me posted. We can do this!

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