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Everything posted by fkadderall

  1. my brain has been imprisoned by this stupid lame chemical. i have illogical thought patterns. things that used to be very simple are now very complex. before, it would take me a really short time to gather ideas. Now, my thoughts don't lead anywhere and i get stuck.
  2. thank you guys. has anyone used 5htp or Ltyrosine while recovering??
  3. Did u guys go through awful depressions months after stopping. A year ago, I was alive and well. I just can't accept that I'm depressed from this stupid shit. I'm only 18 and I feel like the rest of my life will revolve around depression. I feel like I'm permanently psychologically handicapped. My thoughts are so void. Nothing excites me anymore. Should I quit caffeine. It's really not helping at all. This is the lowest point of my life. Im not suicidal thought. I want to be normal, beat this addiction and help others who suffer from it.
  4. My self esteem has been shattered by this pill. I easily get anxious. When this happens, I can't function or get anything done.
  5. i have been sober since July 14th & i have stopped going to my doctor

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  6. Does adderall make anyone feel psychologically paralyzed and have abnormal thoughts.
  7. Hey everyone.to start with, I wanna thank the maker of this website. It's the only useful forum right now. I'm 18 years old and I have been on adderall since 6th grade. I just finished high school with a very low GPA. Last year, I popped too much adderall. I took around 80mg to 100 mg. I took adderall with caffeine and if u were a tweaked, u know that caffeine makes it more intense. In school I went through daily withdrawals. I was up all night doing meaningless things, while in the day I slept throughout all my classes. I used to do well during junior year. I could easily think, with or without adderall. My life was full of positivity and the year was great. 2013 and 2014 were really good years. The more I used adderall the more I became stupid. My thinking patterns have been greatly altered by the binges. Around August of 2014, I noticed a slight change in my psychology but it wasn't too concerning. My emotions have been incredibly dulled by this pill. I feel like a zombie who is half alive. I'm trying so hard to live life but it seems so difficult. I have really slow reflexes, my thoughts are very slow. IV ruined my creativity and I'm really down. I don't want to be put on anti depressants because I was never depressed until I abused adderall. Sometimes I get terrible anxiety attacks. I can physically feel my brain like there's something wrong with it. I'm scared of psychosis and not returning to normal. IV been sober for 60 days but I don't see any improvements. Should I also stop caffeine? I wanna be stimulant free.
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