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Krax last won the day on January 18 2022

Krax had the most liked content!

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    Age 47

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  1. Anyone like the wire? My son says it was better then breaking bad, hard to believe but wife and I going to watch it soon
  2. You mean we're not supposed to use our real names? Shit!
  3. Real housewives of NJ Bachelor in Paradise, it's over but that was awesome Big Brother Catfish
  4. I learned to appreciate things I took for granted. I don't know where I would be now had I never taken speed, but I know there is some insight I now have that I wouldn't without having gone through the addiction, abuse and recovery. For instance I now appreciate the natural God-given dopamine releasing mechanisms that I previously didn't realize I was getting pleasure from.
  5. What I mean to express is that part of my recovery has been accepting the reality that there is no cure or a fix for my disorganized thinking, or whatever. For me, learning to live with that takes a one-day-at-a-time approach.
  6. one day at a time my friend
  7. No in retrospect I think most of the time I acted like a jerk I have a relative who is on it and she is annoying as hell
  8. I'm 48 and even though many of the other members are less than half my age, the similarities in our experience with this drug are staggering, so your age whatever it is is no barrier to sharing here. Good to have you.
  9. No in that era it was common my mom told my sister the same thing
  10. Well you sound like you're doing great - like I said I know it's particularly tough for women in our culture, Thanks for saying that about my girl. I am particularly sensitive to it because my wife's father told her repeatedly she was overweight in high school, and my blood boils just thinking about it.
  11. Understand. Sounds like you married a good guy.
  12. Cassie I understand and I know this doesn't make a difference, but who runs those media outlets? Don't get me wrong men can be just as influenced and messed up by media messages as women (maybe in different ways), but I'm just saying. One other thing, just to add, is that I can honestly tell you that were I single and interested in a particular female - and I doubt I'm that unusual - if she had added or subtracted 10 or 20 pounds - It would not make a difference in my being interested in her. I may prefer one way or the other, and none of us are perfect, but really, it wouldn't change my mind about her. I have women in my life that struggle with weight and it just frustrates me what the media BS does to women and girls. I had a (female) doctor tell my daughter she was overweight when she wasn't at all (nobody thinks that she is, the women looks at this height/weight chart and just tells her she's fat. My daughter has more muscle mass, which weighs then fat, from her dancing, but she is NOT FAT). I was pissed! Who tells a 17 year old girl that? What is this, the 1950's?
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